
You are putting words in my mouth. I’m not putting sole responsibility on them in any fashion hence my previous statement:

Didn’t require a reading of the future. It took a basic civics lesson on why congressional norms are respected. It was well established and discussed that changing the rules would escalate partisan hardball.

Did you respond to the wrong person, that's not my quote. 

Yep, Democrats are also willing to sacrifice democratic norms to force their views into practice.  They were warned about the dangers of this type of hardball.  Sadly they helped open a Pandora's Box us citizens are paying for.

Lumping Buttigieg’s comments in with Bidens is lazy BS. He’s used her own language, “fighter” and “fighting,”, to legitimately distinguish between the two candidates. Its not gendered given her self-identification and usage of similar language against Sanders.

I could care less. I know many “single” people but few self-identity as that. That’s a box you check on forms. They all seem plenty happy not needing to couple OR justify it with simple, classic terms.

Not anything close to Stevie. 

I think it’s fair to assume this will be an intentional strategy for the next 14 months. This is an intentional cultural war that plays on the anxieties the Trump base currently feels. This is right out of the extreme right authoritarian playbook.

I just reread the original Teen Vogue article that brought Ducca to fame and I don’t see evidence that she is guilty of “misdefining the word gaslighting in an essay”. She uses a textbook example of the definition and does an acceptable (B-/C+) job at supporting her thesis.

I couldn't disagree more.  I know many academics and all of them are liberal/progressive; they definitely used that language when they were venting about students.  It was pervasive without regards to partisan loyalties.

What did people expect? This is clearly within the state's purvue to control and that is the only issue a judge can rule on.  I'm against these monuments remaining but in this case people need to remove or ammend the law through the legislative process.  

That is how it has operated in some countries. But that isn’t consistent with Beto’s reckless claims. He has used language consistent with confiscation, ie “hell yes we’re going to take your AR15". This is how the left moved into the same illiberal authoritarian territory being occupied by Trump at the moment, which

I don’t know about a civil war but I think violent resistance will happen if gun confiscation happens. Hard to predict what will happen after initial episodes of violence. I don’t think our country has the stomach to go through more WACOs or Ruby Ridges, just see how different the feds handled the armed OR standoffs.

Sorry you had to experience that, the disease and in humane amount of debt. I’ve been pretty luck with quality insurance but we still incur roughly $3-5k out of pocket in an average year and a few bigger years early on.

I sure hope your gut is right. People are legitimately stockpiling assault weapons in my area for this very reason. I live in area that openly supports the Bundies armed resistance. I could see people like my dad and brother being all talk but the enclaves like I see here are much more common than people like to

I didn’t say she was dishonest. She didn’t honestly engage the question but instead did a classic “artful Dodge”, which even the Atlantic is calling her on.

I interact with many of these individuals.  They aren't bluffing.  Elements of the conservative media have been preparing their base for this type of confiscation proposal for a decade or more.  This is the easiest trap for Democrats to avoid which is why only Beto is being so recklessly blunt.

The potential for violence is very real. There is a reason most Democrats don’t touch this radioactive policy. Can you imagine the damage that will be done the first time (it will happen) a federal police force botches a raid? Do we remember WACO or Ruby Ridge?

And how is he going to do that without the Senate nonetheless moderate Democrats in the House? Are we going to keep expanding the power of the executive through questionable EOs?

There are significant benefits to decoupling health insurance from work but it also comes with many unknowns. Will be interesting to see what the primaries than the general elections reveal about voters’ preferences.