
I can understand that perspective but it also seems wise as a centrist as it nods to many of the concerns about being forced out of existing policies in Medicare for All sort of plans. The schism in the party is very obvious when it comes to healthcare.

Klobuchar performed as well as anyone on the healthcare interaction. Her presence and response was impressive.

The Warren and Bernie healthcare ideas are taking broadsides from every candidate. And some of the criticisms are going to stick for a while, like Buttigieg’s trust line of inquiry.

And let me guess, you believe your line of reasoning is the only one available to “rational” people?

Family Dynasties: making incompetent, horrid individuals like Billy Bush bullet proof for centuries.

The experience has to be horrific enough for the swimmer but it’s made worse by the fact that the “investigation” will ultimately mean a team of adults are looking at photos of the incident.

Where does Trump get the time to care about this stuff?  Petty little man.

Hehe, too funny that was your strategy. You don’t get throw out insults and fabricate lies then try to define the terms of engagement.

I don’t know too many “terrified pussies” though I do know plenty y’all call gun nuts;. I say that as I also don’t know any “libtard snowflakes” though I do know plenty of caring progressives. See my point?

And PS.. don’t you presume to know what I SHOULD be doing. My wife was the target of a “planned” school mass shooting she had to report to the FBI. One of her clients was at Gilroy within close proximity to the shooter. I lived within a mile of Columbine. Our local community here lost family members to the rampage of

You really aren’t all that good at being honest with yourself. It was a blatant misinformation and empirically wrong; you basically exaggerated the distance by almost double if not more when you realize how quickly that ballistic curve starts to diminish.

Sorry, it’s not BS to highlight how well meaning laws turn common behavior into criminal offense. We should be discussing these issues given how ignorant most people seem to be that they even exist.

To be blunt, marriage is a tough one that I don’t believe is fully fleshed out in the US yet. We know you can’t discriminate based on protected classes according to SCOTUS interpretations of various amendments. But historically the courts have accepted it as in the purvue of state regulation. Obergerfell’s claims of

So who gets to decide that ambiguous line you so clearly demarcates this case from others?

Trump calling Omarossa a “dog”

Its not nearly as simple as you describe. We apply the dehumanization framework to language directed at individuals as well; remember the fair and accurate call out of Roseanne Barr’s “joke” about Valerie Jarret?

Admitting you are wrong isn’t actually that hard even when it’s embarrassing, I just did it in this thread along with a sincere apology despite someone calling me a moron. And yes, 4 miles vs 2.2 miles matters and is a blatant mistruth.

We never needed to see that fever dream of self-indulgence and vanity he calls a music video.  Someone give him a mirror and lock him in his bathroom.

Yeah, he was trying to criticize the temporary transfer components of HR8 but the context is weird. I don’t think anyone comes out looking smart in this interaction.

I actually did make that error. I wish I could edit it out as I despise them. I had tried to copy a different url but evidently failed. My bad and embarrassing that I didn’t catch it after a 2nd look; a classic reason why we have others edit other writing as we often see what we thought we wrote.