The bright line in division is clear, automatic. That’s what historically succeeded at being banned and/or heavily restricted.
The bright line in division is clear, automatic. That’s what historically succeeded at being banned and/or heavily restricted.
Sorry if we are talking past each other. My sentence structure was poorly edited but your summation of my views were also poorly justified. I definitely don’t think it’s “all but impossible” to deal with gun laws; I just highlight the left’s abject failures in succeeding.
Doesn’t need to be broad. Cases are currently working through the courts and ultimately the states will have overcome the “common use” test set forth by Heller; given the ruling last week out of IL there is a strong chance they will continue to appeal to the Supreme Court.
To your other questions:
My gut feeling isn’t consistent with polling from what I can find. Looks like support for vague registration measures is roughly 70%. That was a very fair question. I’m guessing when push comes to shove those on the right who vocalize support (roughly 50%) will change course and vote for candidates that are…
Can you show me where I fabricated and argument? I’ll correct myself if you do.
That was a petty, outsized response on Stephens part.
Because, despite talking points, we don’t have a federally protected, explicit right to hunt. It’s definitely part of our national heritage and now several states are writing it into their Constititions. But the 2nd is not remotely about hunting.
Cute retort but nothing you have said or asked shows you actually understand enough about our Constitition to be rational. Sorry, but our Constitition is designed to prevent popular opinion from encroaching on civil liberties. We aren’t a pure democracy for a reason and we should be glad as it’s led to expansions of…
Actually, if you are using the nebulous term “mass shooter” than you are statistically wrong. AR-15s are not the weapon of choice (an empty talking point). That would be handguns by a margin of roughly 3 to 1.
Yes, we can amend it if we don’t like the explicit rights. Feel free to work to amend the Bill of Rights to change the individual right to bear arms. Best of luck getting that unity when we can’t even get legislation passed with an easier threshold 🤔. You don’t and can’t ammend the Constitition through a popular vote…
I just responded in detail to a similar comment. Find my best answer there, to "auntywardolf".
Multiple ways to respond to this comment, some political some foundational to constititional/liberal democracies:
Oh please tell me you are kidding?
Agreed. I watched the linked video and hope she was using the pause as a comma as combining the two is dangerous and normally illegal. Most gun owners know that.
Uh, she’s been pretty anti-Trump from the get go. The kindest thing I’ve seen her say about him is he’s the reason she has a job on the View, ie having to explain why his base likes him. But that’s anything but support.
I love people who adore their own sense of cleaverness yet can’t actually engage in ideas.
Maybe a reason that passes constitutional muster? Good God dude, if that isn’t self-evident than I don’t know what is.
Sorry you lack that introspection. I’ve learned that is often the case with partisans.
Nice try but I saw that trap from the get go.