Touché 🤣
Touché 🤣
That is a possible venue and compromise. I would wager it’s only possible to pass legislatively if you grandfather in existing ones without requiring those measures until transferred. Given there are 10-100 million of them in circulation minimizes the benefit.
Neve said it was. We can deal in nuance and difference in scale. But he is a professor of political communication and should know better.
She’s horrible at nuance. I assume she was vaguely referring to findings in Heller regarding common use. I would also assume the 12 gauge was more popular but the AR-15 has been making noticeable inroads the last decade after heavy marketing .
Stronger background searches, red flag laws and loss of right to bear arms for violent criminals, including domestic abuse? 100%
That said, shouldn’t we still criticize the professor for engaging such language? It’s still loaded. It's not an either/or situation. We can critique both people.
Fair response and appreciate letting me know he wrote that. I hadn’t seen that before. I’ve been trying to follow along but the way it’s been written about seems to be folks just lobbing partisan grenades at each other.
So in all seriousness.... we’ve been criticizing this language for years. Why shouldn’t Stephens be able to do the same? I find the foundations of his idea absurd most of the time but that doesn’t mean people have any more right to use such loaded historical language.
It’s sad to see Burning Man’s slow demise.
Quite the opposite. But it’s design and culture was/is ripe for the likes of Diplo-esque takeover. There is a difference between the the essence of something being corrupt and it having corruptable vulnerabilities (especially in the face of the development of social media)
No worries. Totally agree we should understand the limitations of self reporting when it comes to drawing firm conclusions about something like human sexuality. My retort about being “unsubstantiated” was in regards to the scale and tone of the “bullshit” and “negated” claims. I’m hopeful that science will find better…
Error on my said "negates" not invalidates. I apologise for misquoting.
More power to her for calling this behavior out. As a white guy I’d spent much of my life engaging in micro-aggressions, until I was educated on their impact. It’s uncomfortable being called out but that’s how we learn. We as individuals and society can and should do better. I vividly remember the first time I…
You are avoiding the primary weakness to your else do you create data sets regarding human sexuality without self-reporting?
Exactly. Even the paper’s authors agree
Pretty cool actually as the end with this sidebar:
Sorry to say but self-reporting is 100% legitimate in biological studies. It does not negate the study or findings.
Sorry to say but self-reporting is 100% legitimate in biological studies. It does not negate the study or findings.
For those playing along, here is the actual study and published paper, no paywall: