
I’m guessing your biological literacy is more limited than you claim. Mine isn’t nor is that of my community, ie PhDs in biology.

Not quite. The paper is published by Science. Pretty sound from my assessment. Interestingly, as it doesn’t completely jive with many public summaries, the research article starts it’s summary with the following:

I can't believe it's 2019 and better laws don't exist to protect citizens from this exploitation.  These guys should have been in jail from the get go.

I’m not sure she’s ever fully processed it’s impacts. Nor will she ever know how it’s physically effected her through life. I definitely recognize my privilege to not live in that reality anymore and do my best to curtail us receding to that again.  

No doubt, but parents have legal guardianship over minors in the US. And we start to get into some pretty complicated legal and philosophical issues when we claim the state has more authority over children’s bodies than the parents. So in generic terms the bodily autonomy and agency issue matter; for the same reason

Holy fuck that's gross but not shocking.  The world's ability to always forgive men like this is disturbing enough but allowing them to so casually change the narrative around their controversy is just wild.  

Totally understand the social implications and structure. But my entire argument is that (1) this is a personal liberty issue and (2) the state has limitations on enforcing vaccinations on a citizen’s body. Given that, the automobile issue isn’t a clean comparison as states can and do regulate privileges like driving

Not quite how it works in the US nor is that the current situation. The law and SCOTUS rulings aren’t as severe as you state except for foreign born diseases. States can theoretically force immunizations on citizens but historically that’s been limited to school admissions, hence the current situation.  States are

The automobile insurance metaphor doesn’t work as it doesn’t require a person to inject something into their body. I completely understand herd immunity and the legitimate science of vaccination. I don’t understand anti-vaxers myself but this is fundamentally about bodily autonomy and personal agency and there are

Agency and autonomy are inherently singular and personal, they are antithetical to acting on behalf of others.

A friend of mine has done her best to educate an anti-vaxxer in her family with little success. It’s ended with the anti-vaxxer being uninvited to family get togethers. Tough in some ways but vital given 2 of the rest of the family are at higher risk for infection.

I wish I could accurately capture the response of most people when I explain to them that my mom had polio. They are just so separated from that reality that it’s unfathomable. But we are always teetering on it being reality again as we strive to create herd immunity.

To be fair, this is a rational outcome for someone of firm faith. Bodily autonomy is about as sacred as it gets. I don’t understand anti-vaxers but this type of conscentious objection was an easy prediction.  We can only force citizens to do so much with their own bodies; the foundational belief of agency and autonomy

Did you respond to yourself or do you have a troll with same name as you? If troll, that sucks, sorry.

Wow, it would appear you don’t react well to any criticism actually.

And that is one way we lose 2020; “either agree with my personal opinion or you are an asshole!.”. It’s like we didn’t learn anything from 2016.

Her only real “character flaws” on the campaign trail are the same as every other democratic candidate, ie it’s obvious they are trying to look a certain way to damn hard. But at least she can finish a damn sentence and do so without contradicting herself or stepping on her own feet every five minutes, something we

Agreed, she’s definitely not alt-right; she’s a political opportunist milking the market for everything it’s worth. At her core she’s just a shock jock.

I’m not sure if that was directed at me...but if it was I guarantee I’m not a troll. I definitely didn’t conclude in any fashion that the 2nd amendment protects firearm ownership from any regulation. Even Justice Scalia stated the 2nd isn’t absolute, a fact conservatives ignore.

These survivors have every right to speak to the trauma of their experience and gun violence in general. But that experience does not make them constitutional or gun control experts. Many aspects of their proposal exposes their fundamental inexperience in these very subjects.