
The rate and veracity of conspiracy theories coming out of “both” camps is a frightening symptom of our country’s overall health. There are so many red lights blinking already, we don't need mass paranoia.  A democracy can only be as healthy as much as it respects and trusts it's information sources.

I understand the civil case options and hope the victims clear out his estate.  But the monster needed to stand trial and there was always the chance he could provide critical information to track down those in his ring.

It is a bit of a shitty plot line given our current national divide. It probably should never have been filmed in the first place but tanking it’s release seems smart for the production company.

No one will ultimately miss this man in the long run but this is devastating for justice. His prosecution could have shed light on many others.  I'm not shocked but we should all be disappointed this was "allowed" to happen after evidence of a previous attempt.  

The government should not be allowed to develop this type of technology.  There is nothing (l)iberal or democratic about it.  It runs contrary to the foundations of civil liberty and our federal and state governments have provided plenty of evidence of their willingness to abuse such power.

Red Flag laws bypass due process as it is. Now you want to extend that to denying future access to any other guns. And to clarify, the red flag warning should lead to a process of involuntary commitment if the threat it severe enough. Involuntary commitment is already a disqualifier for gun purchases.

Didn’t edit it time....professional medical organizations have defined pregnancy after implantation, not life. And there isn’t a consensus amongst relevant scientist (developmental biologist, etc).

An important point of clarity, professional medical organizations have weighed in on it and they largely agree its after implantation. Science doesn’t have anything to say about when life begins. How would you even begin to to test and measure such a question? Its not empirical at all.

Its not the common definition of pregnancy or life but it’s one that can be argued based upon science. I find the implications appalling but that is a value based assessment, not science. This isn’t the first or last group to claim a fertilized zygote is life.

I lost 47 seconds to this performative, bougie BS. Nothing says crap like combining the worst of “influencer” culture with unrestrained foodie opulence.

Trump has harnessed that very sentiment politically.

I am sorry to hear about your experience and having to sue the company. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been.

Sorry to hear about your experience. We live in a rural town and even the best ObGyn eventually failed to work with us effectively and compassionately. The “unexplained” part is hard enough on its own but poor bed side manner and just a general lack of care (one doctor prescribed Femara despite us saying we needed

We are in the “unexplained infertility” category and just wrapped up initial visits with a fertility doctor. We feel lucky and privileged to have a doctor who doesn’t push medication, IUI or IVF aggressively. We have another two or three years before various medical interventions decrease in efficacy in a noticeable

I actually think what you are describing is an indirect impact, not direct. Student debt does impact our economy but its sadly relatively diffuse and not something the average citizen feels directly. This is especially true for 2020 when we already have a booming economy and close to full employment.

I like that concept in several ways as well. But, I don’t think it works within our constitutional structure. Compelling every citizen to service doesn’t exactly coalesce well with a federal government designed to be limited and primarily designed to protect individual liberty.

I would rather hear a scaled solution like Klobuchar’s than a fantasy like Warren’s. I don’t believe student debt is totally individual but neither do I believe writing it all off at once is feasible or healthy for the fed to do.

I admitted Trump was different in kind and degree. You made a sloppy argument about Trump that applies to the left as well.

You had me until the end.

I think there is a fair amount of truth to consider in what you say. I just don’t know how you deliver some of those messages both succinctly and effectively.