Tue. Its a murky situation.
Tue. Its a murky situation.
Agreed. Which also highlights why we require a legal guardians permission for medical care. The superintendent's heart was in the right place but she definitely trespassed be into several ethical issues beyond the legal ones.
I can understand and respect your take.
So, this case definitely exposes many issues in our society today. Yet, all the claims about how the justice system failed in this situation seems to be missing a few key points. First, she turned herself in for the listed charges to get ahead of the situation and her own integrity. That in itself starts a legal ball…
I think this a situation in which we use sociological lenses to analyze specific events unfolding in real time can have unintended blowback. For example, I think it's a misplaced criticism of “balance” seeking media. This isn’t a panel in which they bring in a pundit to counter someone else’s partisan interpretation.…
So what happens if this situation is truly complex. What happens if we know Nathan Phillips’s felt fear And the students weren’t intentionally antagonizing him? Viral videos like this often force us into reactive decision making based upon established loyalties. Its in their nature to play to our biases.
Sorry to hear it. One of our close friends was supposed to have retired this month after 30 years served. Instead she is stuck working without pay as an”essential” employee until the shutdown ends.
I discovered science fiction later in life by reading the “classics”. Wow, do most of them not age well when it comes to women and minorities. I decided after a few to start the new year by only reading women of color. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Their historic and current work in science fiction and…
The only regret we had after using her book’s advice to downsize for the move into our first home was getting rid of so many books. Damn you Kondo! Granted, we didn't have room for 4 bookcases in our 1000 sq ft house, but still DAMN YOU KONDO!
Our local women’s gymnastics team often places within a rank or two of UCLA, who has competed here. Women’s college gymnastics is one of the few sports we support and go to anymore. There is something different about the energy and team interaction (yes, they all dance like that as a team while a teammate performs)…
I’m not sure the military could or would ignore building a wall on land already owned by the federal government (the little remaining that has no barrier). It wouldn’t take much time to get through the limited bureaucracy in such a case. They currently have a slush fund. I’m just not sure Trump could accomplish much…
I hope one day badass essays like this just become common place. Or should I say unneeded because of they are so widely held. I don’t believe the world will ever exist with these creeps but I sure hope they become irrelevant.
I’m glad she turned down the booking and let journalist know.
To be fair, it appears the AOC dance tweet was intended to catalyze a tempest in teapot and the right didn’t bite. The original account was deleted. I’m not actually sure anyone on the right was upset at the video buy it did get AOC to respond.
I like that take. I sincerely hope she lasts and is able to sustain her place and energy. I don’t fall in line with much of her platform at the federal level but I do believe the House is the place to honestly debate the myriad of issues affecting our citizens and the solutions they believe are valid. I look…
Her social media savviness is definitely light years ahead of these clowns and the right’s superficial barage of criticisms doesn’t increase their base.
Definitely, if by “we” you mean civilized society through history. (If not then I am forgetting something).
I wish and hope this is just about his ego. But I fear all of the signs are there that this part of a bigger orchestration of power grab and nudging further towards a fascist and/or totalitarian spectrum of politics. Exaggerating and aggrandizing a largely non-existent “border crisis” has worked on his base and I dare…
You can concealed carry at UofU and many other universities in Utah.
Holy crap. This is the type of eggregious corporate activity that creates the leftwing conspiracy theories. At some point I can understand why people go for "woo" when mainstream businesses do this.