OOh, no you didn’t!
OOh, no you didn’t!
The juice cleanses are frightening. Its like people forget we have organs that help maintain homeostasis in our body’s. A cleanse won’t help if those systems aren’t working.
I’m pretty sure my wife’s us of such an app is now interconnected with some of my data. We are trying to get pregnant so it helps better predict ovulation, etc. About six months after he started using the program I started noticing completely different advertising embedded in google adware, different surveys popping…
Fair. I take B12 supplements after testing last year. I tested 50% lower than the bottom threshold of the blood work. Daily supplements have been a game changer. I feel human again instead of being physically fatigued all day and mentally groggy.
I’ve enjoyed this site over many years but please stop with the clickbait headlines regarding science and nutrition. The American populace is confused enough about how to interpret the often conflicting scientific studies that come at them daily. We need fewer eye catching headlines and more science writers who know…
Just verified, they definitely call themselves latter-day saints and saints. They root it a portion of the Book of Matthew.
Pretty sure they want to be called Latter-Day Saints.
Their president claim they now need to be referred to as the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as “mormon” and other nicknames are “victory for satan”. Their president and quorom are prophets so it definitely from the lips of their god.
The Kobach and Walker losses are brilliant.
Seems like he's a Reddit level troll: use of "winner", "losers" and screen name give it away.
Bill Clinton has been one of the weights dragging the DNC down for years. I felt for Hillary having to carry that legacy during her campaigns but her recent remarks expose why they as a family need to disappear from politics. We simply don't need family legacies in the White House. And we as a nation need leaders…
Williams resonated with me as a person but for some odd reason his death didn’t bother me the same way. I don’t know why.
He’s still the only “celebrity” death that has ever affected me. I think we’ll be in dire need of smart, sardonic individuals who can both relate to us yet call us on our shit without the faintest sense of guilt. He was a refreshing breathe of air in an atmosphere saturated with the chattering class, sycophants and…
Interesting that the chief of staff spent half his response on a recycled quote. I mean people who passionately care for their job and employee don't default to copy and paste.
I wish there were more media outlets talking about what you describe instead of how its normally handled. I have no problem with dismantling the language and symbology of political groups to better educate citizens. Instead we get the gossip and clickbait angle.
I thought she worked on the Kavanaugh nomination team?
My understanding is its a 4chan sign to troll liberals, though I didn’t save the source yesterday. If so, they are succeeding.
Snark is written into this sites DNA, see about or site description. Given biological studies about men are better funded and more widely published it seems fair to mock a bit for a site like this, and I say that as a man.
Except they aren’t just studying adults as part of the broader analysis. They are studying the epigenetics as well as sperm/semen counts. We know fetuses are exhibiting genotypes and phenotypes that are related to these hypotheses. We know the chemicals they describe are more readily available, can affect the…
Why haven’t media outlets learned to deal with these alt-right government trolls? Seriously, you are going to invite them then cancel their invitation? The New Yorker just fed Bannon’s base filet mignon. They are going to feast on the hypocrisy of tolerance, the silencing of conservative voices, etc. How have they not…