
I had no clue they had been introduced in California. These “avocational” introductions are literally killing our ecosystems. Too many invasive species, cute and ugly.

The entire situation is a clusterfck that exposes how poorly average white Americans grasp our current and historical culture. We never developed a language that dealt with the nuances and realities of our own racism; yes “our”. When we fail to deal with that nuance everything becomes a caricature which doesn’t

This seems a little like pot and kettle given the ever expanding commercialism of Kinjadeals on this platform. I mean Jezebel once could irreverently lambaste these issues but now it just reeks of complete hypocrisy given how many articles the authors are forced to excrete solely about product placement. 


That is for a family of four. And MIT’s calculator puts that number closer to $92k according to your same link.

Those figures place a couple in the upper middle class on a national average. Even if folks are paying $5-6k in rent that still leaves close to $45-60k assuming $125-120k take home pay. But lets be honest, the average couple making that sort of money is likely finding deductions that bring home more pay.

I reallysites like this had qualified science writers for science-based health articles.

That oversimplification is as misinformed as the unsupported benefits manufacturers mislead consumers with.  There are many vitamins and supplements which are known to provide discrete benefits to certain people.  Its just hard to tease those out from the exaggerated claims.  And to be honest, articles like this don't

They could have let in blow over but that’s not common corporate risk management. Their choice was clear from a PR standpoint. It sucks that its about a director that has produced films we like but its the exact mechanism modern corporate boycotts/pressure tactics exploit. Its a blunt weapon.

Disingenuous? That is a steep claim with no evidence.

Didn’t say it was “just a kids company”.

I agree, he’s handled it with grace and accountability (rightfully only for his actual behaviors not the ridiculous accusations).

I’ve seen Super, not the other.

My previous reply stands as a response to this as well. We expect companies to get better at this, ie response to Salva. They shouldn’t have hired him.

You read the tweets, correct? They deal with rather explicit issues with minors.

As far as a job working for a company that directly entertains kids? This was 100% the right move for Disney. The crap he said was inconsistent with everything they do.

I just want it to end in a way that doesn't further fracture our country. The way this things goes could be a nasty catalyst.  

I think he is clearly breaking. I don’t think he was in the right state of mind during the campaign but ow he is definitely showing signs of some serious mental breaks. It could be long term medical problems showing their symptoms or serious mental health problems being exploited by the stress of an office he was

This could be one of the bombshells:

Don’t intentionally conflate a constructive criticism of preemptive calls for impeach with general opposition to him. I oppose him, his policy and behavior. I do that because of my values.