
We all know the underlying racism of that red-lining is built from is getting stronger and bolder. I am hearing more open racism and chatter on local forums. People are openly talking about how “white-flight” is a justifiable phenomena and that its enough reason to use strategies like red-lining. And yet they claim,

Wow, I am sorry to hear that. 185/115 is crisis level BP by most definitions and has historically been the threshold to warrant ER visits. WTF?

Why do people feel so confident comparing their scenarios to lynching recently? A local columnist said the Bundy Trial was “modern day lynching” and now lawyers seem to think its fine. Sorry, but lynching doesn’t end with any legal recourse, its inherently ultralegal. And we’ve had lynching in this country up until

Can’t wait.

A side note, I had never heard Janelle Monnet’s music before her speech at the Grammy’s. Holy Moly, she is a boss. She has a sci-fi rockopera (really R&B) about robots and fascism that is amazing. Its discovery is the highlight of my week.

Sorry to hear you are struggling through an episode. Its always good to be reminded we aren’t alone.

I am sorry to hear about your health issues. Each of those can be challenging enough alone, nonetheless together. I hope you get the medical help you need!

Social stigma is multiplier on health problems. We need to talk about it more as a society. Hell, we know social stigma and the like are factors in causing disease. MelissaHarris Perry had powerful commentary in that reality in “Sister Citizen”.

It can be a nightmare. A friend of mine had barely eaten for a decade. Somehow her stomach inverter and doctors have no clue why or how its related to fibromyalgia.But she’s dealt with it for decades with humor and grace.

Fibromyalgia id no joke and I’m amazed at how active Lady Gaga is considering the disease. I can get being bummed to have lost hundreds of dollars in trip costs but don’t go on Twitter raging at the artist whose experiencing pain and misery the likes many will never understand.

Its an unpopular statement but 92% of ICE arrests in 2017 had either criminal conviction or pending charge. Overall arrests are up but deportations/removals actually decreased in 2017. If I remember right this pales in comparison to the massive raids and total arrests of 2012. I mean “Operation Cross Check” ended with

I find that definition of friendship dangerous as it quickly becomes parasitic. For clarity, I can see friends supporting a friend in private and continuing to show them compassion and care. I differentiate between that and public statements.


Wow. I’m emotionally numb man who doesn’t cry much but that raw performance brought tears to my eyes. The power and courage channeled in that song is anthem that is long overdue.

Wait, I’m not supposed to eat Tide Pods?

Just to clarify, are you saying Obama abandoned morals, conviction and policy to win? Or was just a comment about the conservative racism against Obama that fueled Trump’s eventual rise?

I’m still trying to figure out how we got here and if this is the political nadir of our era.

Thanks for a thoughtful interaction. I wish more of us could disagree while understanding the nuanced ideas of others.

I can appreciate that nuanced interpretation. But that is were we diverge, which is clearly fine.

I agree with that and millions of us were disappointed in America for the clear misogyny of the 2016 election.