
You mean the white supremacists that have been there for all of our lives?

Nazi Fever! The echo chamber is out of control on this topic. Keep performing the outrage.

Shia is unhinged.

He’ll never get a federal identification pass the Republican Congress. I doubt that has even crossed their minds. People assume he and Bannon are idiots but they are actually smart strategist. When is the left going to accept the implications of his success? Its more likely an appeal to his base’s fears or a chance

The sanctuary city issue will be tough. Utah is a red state and self-designated sanctuary. Do you think they are just going to roll over on this? Either the effort will fail or it will be selectively applied. But this is were the rubber meets the road on conservative values regarding states rights.

Its pretty clear that Trump can travel between realities. Alternative facts are just facts in alternative realities. I have no doubt that Trump had a yuge innaguration crowd in the Upside Down.

Trump is horrid but we need to give much of the credit for legal harrassment of the press to Obama. His administration devasted tradional press freedoms and got the ball rolling in this direction. Despite all of the adorable memes, Obama was rather authoritarian in many ways.

Failed? I wish reviled meant failed but instead he is a classically successful politician. I doubt the tens of thousands of people of color harmed by stop and frisk would consider his policy a failure.

Does anyone else think these Nazi remarks are getting out of control and are working against us? The claims against Bannon are damaging but nowhere is it about being a Nazi. Pst-truth swings both ways.

Some of us have to try and raise families in his state. Think of us as a unified federal government assaults everyone but especially our public lands in Utah.

I don’t have much empathy for the “black flag” anarchist that hijack peaceful protests and turn them antagonisticly against police. Good, peaceful protestors get caught in the middle and are arrested, or worse, hurt.Property is damaged for no good reason. And it turns the public against political movements.

I was naively hoping 2016 was the worst year of my life.

Well, I was on the fence if I could afford the March Trilogy and all of these idiots made that purchase easy.

What do you think.works against him and his ilk? He has already scheduled a counter protest at Davis. Intelligent feminist debated him with facts for years but his smarmy stage presence won the day. He has been met with protests since GamerGate. Simply stated, folks have been trying to shut him down for a while, long

Can’t stand the guy. His words and worldview are vile and hateful. But shutting down his event through protest plays right into his social media savvy platform and framing of the American left as “oppressive”. I fully recognize the college republicans ultimately chose to cancel but it was also the stated goal of

As much as I hate Trump I think Buzzfeed and CNN made a questionable choice that plays right into Trump’s agenda and strategy. Trump can further assault “the media” since they published accussatuons they admit are unvetted and unverified. That choice could ultimately prove right but casts doubt and further skepticism

This type of hiring will continue until Americans support and consume real journalism and news again. Sadly, I don’t see most of our fellow citizens getting over the instant gratification of infotainment when it takes real curiosity and critical thinking to truly invest in journalism. Healthy citizenship is not a

Gaining some hope. My best guesi, in response to the questionnaire, was they would initially bog it down in legalese and then managers with integrity would stonewall and fall on their swords before giving up employees. Public employees by and large are good, hard working people.