
Holy cow, people got so upset about a free album. This is the most I've ever seen people get twisted up over FREE STUFF.

Not likely, but she's *so*cool and edgy, ya know? A scintillating bombshell of retro-punk nihilism, or something, to hate as she does...

What is the deal with fashion designers? Any time they try to talk about non-fashion things, they end up making asses of themselves somehow. I mean, being pro-Scottish independence, despite the the Damehood, is one thing. That's excusable. But adding in "I hate England?" Really?

It was probably psychosomatic. Lithium has no noticeable effect on your emotions.

It is also poisonous in high doses, JT. Patients who are prescribed lithium have to have periodic blood tests to make sure the amount of lithium in their blood is not toxic. Lithium toxicity is a really dangerous and potentially fatal condition.

If you are an alcoholic, feel free to get help. AA meetings now have free hookers! (not really, but you can pretend if it gets you in)

If they did swastika-prints, they would use the excuse "but it's an important symbol in Indian art!" It would be Nazis AND cultural appropriation in one offensive package.

As a product photographer and a person with at least half a brain, I can't see that photo being taken and at least one person not thinking "wow this looks bad". It's not like someone takes a snap with their iPhone and uploads it from there. It goes through post-processing, most likely by a team of different people as

You're telling me NO ONE who works there saw this shirt or at least a picture of this shirt and thought "HMM you know what this looks like?"

My father was there as he attended Kent State University High School (it was a program for smart kids or whatever) and he has PTSD issues about the massacre to this day. I'm really hoping he doesn't see this because he'll be so disgusted and upset about it for a week.

My History prof was there... at Kent State... on that day. Told us the story... horrifying.

He also had a twisted sense of humor, so I imagine he'd get a sick kick out of this.

Man, he was a great teacher.

Noooo Glob, if a person gets really drunk or takes drugs and then gets raped, the person who raped them is responsible for raping someone in a vulnerable position... Even if they bear some responsibility for being in that vulnerable position.

Oh! I saw this quote the other day and am excited to share it.

While I disagree with WHOAman, I'm not a big fan of labeling them a "troll." There are plenty of people whose opinions I totally disagree with who comment on this blog but that doesn't mean they should be ignored. Not everything needs to be a "YES BURT YOU'RE TOTALLY RIGHT HERE'S A TOM HIDDLESTON GIF."

.......RIGHT - this teacher is a saint: educating youth during the day, working to cure narcoleptics by night! As an aside shame is an appropriate thing. Its really stupid how a common refrain on the gawker family of sites is "don't shame that person". Sorry, shame is deserved in many scenarios. But I'll play along :

If you (the general you) took six months or so to brew your own alcoholic date rape drink and also make decisions to use it, you should go to prison forever.

I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

Lathe of Heaven was the PBS adaptation that got me started and is still one of my favorite stories of hers.