
"In an added bit of joy to an already excellent piece of news, Neil Gaiman will present her with the award."

It's on youtube.

Don't forget John Galliano.

""I hate England," she added after the show. "I like Scotland because somehow I think they are better than we are. They are more democratic.""


the cocaine was never in very high quantities.

In high enough doses lithium can cause tremors, seizures, memory loss and even comas. So no, not "safe."

and it would still be illegal.

Still not sure why we need two movies.

I've never been a CSNY fan, but two things stagger me about that song: it was released a MONTH after the shooting it reached the Top 20. We need more songs like that.

Not really.

just one week. One week without awfulness. That's all I ask.

GHB is, while legally prescribed, a drug with serious effects.

the update gig is not for everyone. Tina liked it because it freed her up from doing characters, but others prefer doing characters.

random fact: both Chrissie Hynde and Mark Mothersburgh from Devo were students at Kent State at the time (the guys in Devo were friends with one of the victims)

I have some ideas but they're too horrible - very sick joke stuff.

How fucking boring is the life of a chemistry teacher that they do this stuff?

um, a teacher shouldn't be giving kids ANY drugs.

yes, I'm sure there were a lot of narcoleptic teenagers in her school. She's performing a service!

Well, he still did sci fi after Star Trek Nemesis ( officially the worst ST movie ever)