Lost credentials again

That one’s only a danger to humans when peeling out of Cars and Coffee.

The only species on your list that shouldn’t be killed is the bumblebee. Every other one should indeed be killed. Wasps and hornets are among the the most horrible creatures on the planet. Just because they wont murder you doesn’t mean they’re deserving of mercy. I’m sure there’s a couple examples of beneficial ones,

Need a proper grinder for most of these! Can’t get “ground coffee” from the store if you want french press/pour over that doesn’t suck.

Need a proper grinder for most of these! Can’t get “ground coffee” from the store if you want french press/pour over

If by broken, you mean that the advertisements out-number the content, I have to use an ad-blocker just to get the pages to load, and even then I have to hit CTRL-F5 a dozen times for the comment section to render... then yes, I suppose you could say that it’s broken.

“and I’m not even trying to wage war on anybody.”

As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog

I just wish someone would give me a “yes” or “no”. I have a mask pattern, I have all the equipment and massive stashes of fabric. I could be churning out 100 masks a day if someone would just give me a firm “yes”.

I do my best to avoid giving my money to people that are publicly known to be assholes.

No, classic example of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Also a classic example of “I’m smart enough about a few things, so clearly I’m a genius who can do everything.”

Considering the whole problem is that people are not going to public places, I don’t see how that’s a big issue in this situation.  

And don’t forget to throw a little extra in for the culinary team and dishwashers.”

I’m rooting for the virus at this convention. I know it makes me a terrible person, but I’m OK with it. Sometimes Karma just happens.

LOL, wut?

Oh please Black Baby Jesus, let there be a lot of sneezing and coughing. 

You don’t find it the least bit ironic that they “RESPECT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” but don’t respect the laws they are sworn to uphold?

Oh shut the fuck up. These guys were bypassing government mandated emissions controls. Putting off road tires is not bypassing any government regulation.

They were deleting diesel particulate filters and egrs, and DOCs.

It actually gets about the same MPG on the big tires as it does on stock ones, because it changed the gearing and I’m not in boost at 70 anymore. And it still has all of its original smog equipment, including a functional catalyst, and passes an annual emissions test. Also, I haven’t driven it in 4 months, so it’s

The theaters would love for somebody, anybody, to show up (and buy popcorn for $10) so they’re willing to give away tickets.