The Mortiest Morty

So Audrey has been in a coma since the end of Season 2 right?

Why are most of the comments on this thread respectful and well-articulated? What is wrong with you people?

Your wheel may still be turning but your hamster is definitely dead, my friend.

I’m in the hands of a lunatic, and I have to do what I have to do to survive that situation.

That was really incredible. I don't even like sports. Legitimately great job Internet.

Oh my god it really is terrible. I'm just sitting here waiting for a baby to dance by.

There's also the fact that dopplegangers have white eyes when they're in the Lodge and black irises when they're out.

God I love the Prisoner.

Lots of good comments but you guys are missing the fact that this is the water, and this is the well. You should just drink full, and descend. And remember the horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within.

He'll be back when he gets his shit together - all together in a backpack, all his shit, so it's all together. He's going to take it to the shit store and sell it.

Wubba lubba dub dub! We're back bitches!

DDB9000 - are you familiar with the Kubler - Ross theory of grief? I believe you may be stuck in the 'anger' stage.

Its ok to admit you didn't get it.

I think my joke might have been a little too subtle.

You know everybody is acting surprised he was sick but he mentioned it like five years ago….

Well. That escalated.

What is your destiny? The policewoman said…

I don't think that was caffeine. I think it was uppers.