
Sony is deciding where to sell it’s products, which is something they are allowed to do.

Seems like a Brexit problem and not a Sony problem then. This is what happens when even world leaders don’t fully understand the capitalism they partake in, and everything is free and unregulated with “perception” being the only valuation tool.

my only thought as well. Take screenshot of 1331 days, then 1337 days, and THEN post it.

He should have waited a few more days to get 1337

It’s not really an energy drink. It’s more like a Gatorade. Which you know, has people sweating it out of their skin. 

Yeah, this has “Pixar levels of sobbing” written all over it.  

Man, I do not have the emotional fortitude right now for this game, as cool as it sounds. 

Author of the feature/book here. So glad you enjoyed it! I encourage you to check out the book’s Kickstarter if you haven’t already. We just hit our first stretch goal yesterday! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/davidlcraddock/monsters-in-the-dark-the-making-of-x-com-ufo-defense

Not as much as you would think. Most of that was drummed up for the press, although Ava Gardner did say he had a 19-inch cock.

It’s crazy that the only way to get accountability for sexual assault is to out it publicly on social media, because going to the police for stuff like this would result in virtually zero consequences. Instead of a private investigation, the victims have to expose themselves to inevitable public abuse and hate to see

I use the uhh. One of the iphone ones since I have an old iphone, ispoofer or ipogo. Whichever one is still going. I know it's more of a chance to get banned but that's why I made a burner account to trade with. My old galaxy s7 has a locked bootloader so I can’t do the fancy android method.

Salt because they’re drying up all their potential business relationships with every company they do this to.  

Yes, actually, that is what the phrase means. Salting the earth was a method of putting down so much salt in an area that it killed off all plants and made it a struggle for anything to thrive there for a period of time. Some invading tribes would do it just to be dicks to any survivors left behind in raids. It is

I spoof in this game. I have a burner account that exists to trade me and some friends the regionals and a couple pokemon that are so rare they might as well not exist.

Literally nobody has ever said that

I mean, Google clearly doesn’t give a shit and that’s a problem to someone on an individual basis, but not being able to watch your Lord of the Rings 4k is some first world stuff. This person just happens to be able to make a bigger stink about it than most while also pretending they’re sticking it to “the man”.

Yeah, it sounds like it’s the other way around, with the dev using the cancellation of the game to hopefully get enough attention from Google to get his account back. 

I don’t think it has to be or that he is implying that it is. Dude is just mad at their poor service and as a result doesn’t want to support them. This is no different than someone getting bad service at a restaurant and never wanting to go back there again. 

as someone in the field, I can tell you that the DSM is at best a guideline

This trailer does a terrible job of explaining anything you will be doing in this... game?