Oh god. As a single woman I can tell you I’d probably appreciate this. Sometimes I feel as though I’m an expert rolodex of evolving questions and men are all, “so you like music or...?”
Oh god. As a single woman I can tell you I’d probably appreciate this. Sometimes I feel as though I’m an expert rolodex of evolving questions and men are all, “so you like music or...?”
Listening in on dates can be fun, but it can also be so deeply annoying.
I’m shocked just shocked that a woman could be so arrogant as a man when placed in a position of nearly unchecked power and authority and then, when “the receipts” come out, neatly duck a way and pivot to a book deal. It’s almost as if the issue isn’t behavioral differences between men and women but he contexts in…
I think she does mention it:
Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial…
THANK YOU. As a biracial woman, I am tired of people saying my parents love was invalid. That it was just serving colonialism or serving to oppress black women. If women of color really do not hold men to be the locus of their lives, then do Kumaili and Aziz really need to represent brown women on screen for them? Let…
Good article, but it seems odd that The Mindy Project was kind of glazed over. It is probably the most popular show written by and staring an Asian woman, and which (usually) has the exact opposite dynamic (most of the men she dates in the show are white). Mindy Kaling’s character on The Office (Kaling was also a…
I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?
“She’s being more careful this year. She’s learning.”
I’m mid-30s and on year 4 with my guy and 1/3 the time utterly annoyed. I wish there were textbooks for this stuff because I would devour some “Are We in a Comfortable Cohabitation Stage or Am I Sick of You?”
“When we have sex, we like to think that above all else, we’re fucking sexy.”
I’m going to listen to this song until my ears fucking bleed AND I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER ABOUT IT
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
It’s almost like progressive people can still have a lot of internalized misogyny they aren’t done unpacking...hmmm
This all seems like a pretty fair response? We don’t have any evidence that he would even be good at doing some sort of political humor/commentary. Its hard for me to fault someone when all they’re saying is “look I just want to do my style of comedy” on their own show.
I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?
Are you seriously saying that women (and I guess non-white people?) should consider being treated less than equally as a great way to build character?
lol okay. the fact that you think this is just about comfort tells me all I need to know about conversing with you.
Im ugly and charming/seductive so I have the dual benefit of getting the deed done and having nobody believe it. Suck on that egg!