
My mother :

When buying shit....always ask “Do you need it or do you want it? If its I want it, give it 24 hours and then come back and ask do you still want it? If its yes, its ok to buy.”

I was just starting out in politics 20 years ago, and I had this advisor that looked just like Katherine Harris, the Florida AG of Gore v. Bush fame. My advisor was a staunch Republican (formero GOP adviser) on a very liberal campus, and she always looked like she just ate a lemon.

It’s about the deputy feeling disrespected I’d wager.

(though the FBI coldly identifies her as a “black male”)

Honestly I’m disappointed in Jezebel that you continue to exploit an adoptive, disabled child who’s been through shit by willingly not following up on the full story, and instead going with the Daily Mail clickbait. There were enough legit sources of info in the comment sections last time that you can’t claim

“Less dead” typically refers to a person’s transient lifestyle and not their race. White people tend to kill white people. Black people tend to kill black people. This is true for serial killers as well as violent criminals in general. This article attempting to tie the choice primarily to race rather than lifestyle

Okay, but Killing Eve is awesome and worth watching.

I hope the people in your orbit were able to find the help they needed (or eventually find the help they need). An ex of mine was a recovered/ing addict (heroin and the like) and eventually, long after I had last seen him, he died from suicide or OD (I heard second hand, not entirely sure, nor is it my place to know).

I don’t know anything about addiction from a personal level (or a clinical level, I guess), but I feel uncomfortable with Joan’s comment that Ashton’s (alleged?) cheating caused Demi to relapse. I’m sure their relationship had issues and everything you said about his being immature/ignorant, but her addiction is not

Right there with you. I think I’m a bit of an alcoholic myself but I don’t really associate my mistakes with alcohol (rather, I associate my drinking with my own weakness and poor decision making; everything else I fuck up is on me).

Yes, I feel it’s common knowledge that if a priest and a child are in the same sentence as sexual-anything, it’s a bad thing.

Which sounds worse: “domestic disturbance” or “man punched his wife repeatedly in the face”? The issue is not that we don’t despise the perpetrators, the issue is that language matters. You influence people’s feelings and attitudes with words. Sometimes it’s extreme, like the difference between “gun incidence” and

An animated show about a horse should not have been the catalyst for me re-examining my depression, co-dependent relationships and finally going to therapy, but it was.

Now playing

I’m right there with you. I love Bojack merely for the therapy by proxy he seems to offer just by being a terrible, terrible person. This was the speech Todd (of all people!) gave that made me realize I was actually learning things about human behavior from a cartoon:

Can’t wait. This show is just the best show.

If you are disappointed in/disgusted by/disapproving of your offspring, you done fucked up somewhere.

Gen X is the long suffering older sibling who just rolls their eyes and exhales deeply when Miley shows up at Thanksgiving with dreadlocks and demands to be called Cheyenne.

I wonder what this makes me, since I have an Instagram account dedicated to literally just sunsets. So I see them every night, yet my face is glued to my phone while doing it.

Somewhere in the Grand Canyon—another natural feature created by the changing tectonic plates beneath North America

My partner and I have been in an open relationship from the get go. I met a woman once who knew I was in a relationship and wanted to sleep with me and when she found out my partner was cool with it she didn’t want to see me