
You really seem to be stretching what he actually said here.  

“Boss” to me represents I’m about to get grifted.

Jesus Christ, don’t call people “boss.” It reveals you as a person who isn’t clever enough to be manipulative in a subtle manner.

Having money in your hand is fine and it does help a bartender in a packed bar identify you as someone ready to order. That does not mean of course you should reach out and shove it in his or her face.

I don’t think you know what “statistics” are, let alone what “statistical significance” is.

200 people doesn’t even approach statistical significance. It’s not even a rounding error. But sure, I guess those people are having “loads” of health issues.

There is one good thing to come from Trashcan Lannister’s new clothing line; this twitter thread. “Free Dumb” and “Wrong Direction” are my faves.

I’d say they’re more the type to say they were jocks in high school when in reality they were second-string JV.

But aren’t proud boys and Nazis really just small-time jocks who “peaked” (to an extremely limited degree) in high school and are now just aimless losers?  

Also, any “influencer” out there promoting open-face, leather-less, ripped-pants on a motorcycle can fuck straight off into a horrible, disfigured death. It’s hard enough to keep my teenager from doing a somewhat limited set of stupid shit.

‘It is the laziest shit ever made.’

I’m an old and will watch this and laugh.

Headphones, or you’re an asshole.

Now playing

Here ya go, the Super Duper Graphics Pack:

This Arch Warhammer guy does seem to be quite a Knobhead.

Joule thief!

Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.

The best times based on my experience:
1) BEFORE you get on the plane
2) After takeoff but before the drink cart starts heading down the aisle
3) While people are finishing up their meal
4) 90 minutes before landing

Challenger Explosion. Watched it live in kindergarten. When my teacher, Mrs. Hendrickson burst into tears, I knew some shit had gone down.