
I’m pretty sure I have more wire strippers laying around than clothespins and pencil sharpeners combined.

Cookies and White Russians for the win.

*checks gut*

I generally use epoxies for these, putty being the easiest to shape.
Can probably lacquer it for better finish if required and it is easier to work with.

The first time I saw this I wondered how they did it without destroying the electronics. Now that I know how they did that, I’m wondering why you would take a light weight, basically indestructible object and cover it with something heavy that will shatter if it hits the ground wrong.

As people have pointed out to me in the past, I'll pass it on. WD-40 is great for penetrating and un-sticking screws and for WD (water displacement). It's not a great general purpose lubricant, so use a lubricating oil pen instead for squeaky hinges.

One word: YUMI

It's a mobile PC technician's dream. YUMI allows you to carry every diagnostic CD/DVD you could ever need on a single USB stick, and boot directly from a collection of ISO files.

I'm actually playing with the idea of buying one in order to set up an low powered SSH tunnel, so I can access my home's internet from elsewhere. SSH tunnel allows me to have an encrypted pipe to my own LAN, so I can surf safely while I'm not home. It's a poor man's VPN.

[camelcamelcamel.com] provides a service similar to that of OnlinePriceAlert, but they also have nice price history graphs for the major number of items. You can tell right away if it's worth to withhold on the item - the price might have been rock steady for a few months, or it might have fluctuated heavily. And it's