
I’d nearly forgotten about this game. A friend in middle school had a Genesis and I had a SNES. So every weekend we could he’d bring his system over to my place or I’d take mine to his and we’d stay up all night playing the hell out of this game. Genesis was all about the Sonic games and Herzog and the SNES was always

I’m a music sleeper, I’ll stream some LoFi hiphop or something else that doesn’t have much singing and just a nice chill simple beat. Then I set my sleep timer for 20-30 minutes to shut it off once I’m asleep. I also have blackout curtains in my bedroom to minimize light and I keep my phone on a shelf just below my

I’ve been really curious about those little bags of charcoal, I’m only familiar with the large charcoal systems that force air through them and are usually part of an HVAC system.  Do these little passive bags make a difference in a small space like a car?

I’ve been really curious about those little bags of charcoal, I’m only familiar with the large charcoal systems that

The order 66 survivors... clothing collection! One of those worthless ponchos should have read My teacher got murdered in front of me and all I got was this stupid light saber.”

Picked up Disgaea 5 complete on Steam and forgot how I can lose hours/days/weeks to a really good tactics style game. Now to get everyone leveled up to LV 9,999. I promise I won’t get sidetracked with leveling all my weapons as well I will beat this game... one day.

I also bought a bike repair stand and will be

It sucks, but I feel the same way. The Blizzard many of us grew up with in the 90's and early 2000's isn’t the same Blizzard that exists now. Remember when you could install and play up to three “spawn” versions of Starcraft off a single retail copy for LAN Parties, it’s how I got into Starcraft originally and wound

As a kid I bought Final Fantasy Tactics because it was a Final Fantasy game, after being a bit confused at first I figured it out and absolutely fell in love with the tactics of the game. So what do those of us do that love the turn based tactics type games and want to play more games in the genre. Here are a few of

I’m not a fan of gyms, especially right after the new year. I just wait until the weather gets nice enough to ride a bike and then start my resolutions. This year I’d like to average 75 miles/week on my bicycle (about 3-4 rides a week). Last year my goal was 50 miles a week (2-3 rides a week) and I hit 62 miles a

With the proper gear, outdoor winter activities can be a ton of fun.

My Vote: Under Armour Coldgear

With the proper gear, outdoor winter activities can be a ton of fun.

My Vote: Under Armour Coldgear

It came packed with a new graphics card I got last summer. I didn’t think anything of it and then a few months later remembered it and loaded it up. I knew almost nothing of the game before playing it which made it all the more fantastic. The first couple hours felt like someone had smashed a weirder than normal

There are times when there is a hardware issue and being there is the only way to trouble shoot it, but most of the time if it’s a computer related issue try using a remote viewing program like TeamViewer (free for personal use). Trying to have someone who is not very savvy with a computer trying to describe a problem

My world might have just got turned upside down, because (A) you can make Doritos powder and (B) there is no cumin seasoning in it!?

It’s that magical time of year where people burn down garages, porches, cars, and even entire houses sometimes because they don’t understand the concept of displacement.  Really, it is the most magical time of year.

I sometimes like to get fancy and dig a shallow hole and put rocks around the edge before I start a fire...sometimes. 

I sometimes like to get fancy and dig a shallow hole and put rocks around the edge before I start a

I do miss living in a house where you could bump a new song without upsetting the neighbors, but now I’m in a small apartment in Alaska and I’ve learned the value of a really nice set of studio monitor headphones.  I still miss my giant house speakers that felt like they could knock the air out of you when the bass

Hmmm, might try this.  Currently using RainX on the glass doors every few months and a squeegee to wipe it down right after a shower.  Also, probably not a surprise to anyone, but bar soap is kinda your enemy in this situation.  The tallow from the bar soap builds up fast if your’re not on top of it.  The bottles of

Hmmm, might try this.  Currently using RainX on the glass doors every few months and a squeegee to wipe it down

The last time I looked into it there were some weird hoops you have to jump through. It’s been a while so I’m not 100% on this, but if I remember it right there are fundamental differences between an external hard drive and USB thumb drive even though as an end user they both seem like the same thing and show up as

+1 for CPU-Z and GPU-Z, they also have “portable apps” versions that can be run off a thumb drive, no installing needed that way, which is handy when you are your friends and family tech support. Even with cloud access I still keep a 128GB thumb drive on my keychain full of support tools and fixes. One of these days

I have been eyeballing the hue LED strip for a TV setup. I have the Phillips Hue Play with three lights. They all plug into the same power source but each one shows up as it’s own device in the Hue app so I can do the left, top, right channels on my 32" computer monitor. I then use the Windows 10 app while playing

I have been eyeballing the hue LED strip for a TV setup. I have the Phillips Hue Play with three lights. They all

Amtrak, when you want to remind yourself why the passenger train industry is in shambles in the US.