
Careful with high protein diets based around meats if your family has any kind of history of gout or kidney stones. Both of which can be exacerbated by the higher levels of uric acid in your kidneys from a high protein meat diet (apparently other non-meat proteins aren’t as bad). While reducing your levels of citrate

Pros!? They don’t even know how to hold the controller properly =P

Thanks!  I’m going to be trying this soon as it sounds superb!

I’ve got two of these keyboards.  One of them is about 7 years old and it still works great.  The solar panel at the top is large for a reason, just the light from a large monitor should be enough, but if it’s in a room that gets sun you’ll never have to worry about it.

I’ve got two of these keyboards.  One of them is about 7 years old and it still works great.  The solar panel at the

Holy crap!?  You put chik, chik, chik, first on that list...  Nice to know there are like two fans now.

Yup, my go to is once I get eye contact with the bartender a head nod is usually all it takes, if the bar is really hopping I might lean forward slightly at the bar to catch their eye. Having had quite a few friends that have been bartenders I get to hear all kinds of weird stuff people do to try to get their

Man, I love games that do this kind of support.  I’ve got a handful of old schmups that allow for portrait mode on a monitor.  The weirdest one would have to be Darius Twin since it supports two monitors side by side if you want to go super ultra widescreen 32x9.  

They’ll probably get around to a portable WoW in some form eventually, but they’re too busy developing Diablo on smart phones right now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I live in a 24 hour notice state, but my landlord says that just means the day before. The problem is they post these notices for entrance at 9am the next day and they post it at 7-9pm the night before.

As a late 70's baby I’d like to know if you got a problem with Burnt Orange, Avocado Green, Goldenrod Yellow and all the browns you can stomach. Next thing you’re gonna tell me that sculptured shag should never have been a thing. There were a few saving graces from the 70's the beanbags were dope, the toys were a few

Now playing

Zach Morris is Trash, is a funny series that points out just how effed up the episodes were.

A friend of mine who fixes and maintains Espresso machines for a local company told me about Puro caff (you can find it on amazon). I now deep clean my coffee pot with it a couple times a year. I just fill it up with hot water put a couple tablespoons into it and stir it up and then let it sit for an hour or so. The

It’s not usually facetime, it’s just some A-Hole with speaker phone turned on and then they hold it right in front of their mouth to talk into it at a fast food or food court during the lunch hour. I just assume if you put your phone call on speakerphone and then hold it right in front of your face with the volume

Die!?  Why no Mr. Bond, I expect you to be bored out of your mind for the next 45 years!  Bwahahahahahahahahahaha

I have a Back to the Future (NES) support group, I’ll get you guys the number.

There is help for the emotional scars that game left on us all.

Ah yes, the way, way back from not so long ago age of low resolution games where if your controls weren’t tight and you didn’t have some really interesting mechanics in the game than the graphics weren’t going to blind a player into believing it’s a solid game.

On a side note, I learned all about buyers remorse and the

Perhaps I’m dyslexic perhaps I just saw what I really wanted to see, but I read the title as “Got an unbelievable Super Mario Kart Maker moment?” and now I desperately want something that will never exist.

Just piping up to say the Yi camera is a great entry level camera.  Bought one right before I bought my car about a month ago.  I had it with me in my backpack when I went looking at cars.  When I finally purchased a car I spent 5 minutes before leaving the lot running the power cord and setting it up.  The power cord

I picked up the OXO ice trays a couple years ago and they still work great.  

I picked up the OXO ice trays a couple years ago and they still work great.  

This sounds like it’s about two thirds the way to being one of the best potato salads ever, “Deviled Potato Salad!”, and yes it needs the exclamation. If anyone has an explanation on why the Devil makes such amazing eggs and potato salads please let me in on the secret because it’s gotta be more than just mustard,