
Being a weirdo and playing a fresh game of No Mans Sky, haven’t touched it since I platinumed it when it first came out on PC.  Haven’t gotten to try out all the new stuff and prepping for the next update “Beyond” to hit sometime this summer.  No Man’s Sky in VR is going to consume me when Beyond hits.

Like six months later I don’t have those funky stains running down the skylights from pollen and lichen, but I live in Juneau, Alaska which is a temperate rain forest so everything is wet nearly all the time and wants to grow moss or that yellowish-green lichen on it.  It helps with all the windows staying a little

If I’m cleaning my windows and skylights on the outside of my house I just apply Rain-X to them them afterward, keeps the dust and water spots gone for quite a while.  It’s really noticeable on the skylights after six months.

Hell yes!  Hoping this happens, don’t care if it’s live action or cartoon/3D.  Just happen.

I only swap out my phone every 3-5 years so it had been long enough I’d totally forgotten about the seed backup.

Gamers be aware if you’re using the Blizzard two factor authentication (2Fa) app or Steam’s 2Fa app on your phone be sure to save the “seed” ID if you don’t want to spend a lot of time on the phone with the company. This is in case your phone is stolen or you upgrade to a new phone. You’ll need to plug in the “seed”

That’s no kayak, that’s a narrow raft.

That’s no kayak, that’s a narrow raft.

I’ve owned two skeletools and they’re pretty damned awesome. I lost the first one on a long bicycle trip and the second one I’ve had for about six years now and it’s still as solid as the first day I got it, no loose wobble that some cheaper brands get over a few years of use. The screw bit is swappable and has a

I’ve owned two skeletools and they’re pretty damned awesome. I lost the first one on a long bicycle trip and the

We need an Xbox Live! Mad Libs form for this <descriptive explitive>!

The windshield on the Coleman Classic is also a major factor in getting cooked food in a reasonable amount of time if you’re not in a cabin or some other kind of shelter for your cooking it makes a big difference.

The windshield on the Coleman Classic is also a major factor in getting cooked food in a reasonable amount of time

Now playing

Did this about a year ago and it was a lot of fun. Some of the newer systems and some weird specific games will sometimes get a little chunky while playing, but for the most part the older systems (NES, SNES, GBA old arcade games from the 80's) it worked pretty darned well even with 4 players playing Turtles in Time

Did this about a year ago and it was a lot of fun. Some of the newer systems and some weird specific games will

Worse.... I lived in an apartment with a roommate where some stupid bastard installed the hot water to the toilet. So whoever got up first, had a normal toilet experience. Any person following within 15-20 minutes of a flush would have a toilet bowl where the water was steaming so you’d wind up with a sweaty ass from

He wanted them to find Jesus, they helped him find his god. Hallmark movie of the week tagline.

I went to the website link to check it out. I feel like “multitool” is really stretching it. But, hey if you want a bottle opener on your keychain you can now argue with everyone that it’s actually a multitool. So get off my back, I don’t have a drinking problem! Now where the hell did I put my multitool flask!?

I went to the website link to check it out. I feel like “multitool” is really stretching it. But, hey if you want a

It’s okay, I laughed and clapped my hands and then barked like a seal with massive head trauma. Crap, I’m oversharing again.

Newsweek, sinking to the Weekly World News tabloid level of post death exploitation.

The cheating in PUBG was getting pretty bad too. You can only watch so many death replays of a guy shooting you through the base of a mountain before you start looking elsewhere for some fun. I kept track a couple weekends ago and about 12% of my deaths over the course of a weekend were at the hands of cheaters and

Burnout 3: Takedown, the hours spent crashing into intersections for the biggest combo multiplier was pure fun.

I hope you all enjoy this lifehack on how to energize yourself with crystals while driving and turn your airbag into a makeshift frag grenade that’s just a few feet from your face. Goodtimes!

Or when they hear “on your left” and then glide to the left side and you almost slam into them. Good times.....