Then they move the goal posts and say anyone encrypting their traffic is obviously doing to to hide their illegal activity and it must be stopped... (or throttled).
Then they move the goal posts and say anyone encrypting their traffic is obviously doing to to hide their illegal activity and it must be stopped... (or throttled).
The 20MB cap always annoyed the hell out of me, I used to listen to a lot of podcasts and it always seemed kinda stupid that I could stream the whole thing over 3G and listen to it that way, but if I wanted to download it I'd get blocked if it was over 20MB. It's nice to get a small bump on the limit, but it still…
There was a story on WIRED a few months ago (can't seem to find it now) about some kid in boy scouts in the early 80's that built a breeder reactor from smoke detectors and refining his process... really interesting story right up to the part where the old tool shed was glowing and a neighbor called the cops, which…
That is straight gangsta', bonus points if you try and take it on a plane as a carry on.
I'd agree with most of this article. I've got an home theater PC in the living room plugged into my 42 inch flat screen. Then in my home office I am running a 2 monitor setup. One is an older 22" samsung @ 1680x1050 and the other is a cheap 32" HDTV. I use the computer monitor for most my reading and work and the…
That is a nice little trick if you only have a small sink. I've gotten spoiled with a very large utility sink in my garage that has threads on it so I can just screw a garden hose onto it when I need to fill something larger than a 5 gallon bucket. I'll keep that in mind though as I've lived in enough apartments…
It's art, it's not just a coat rack... wheh, that was tough to say without a laugh... now with the knee jerk response out of the way...... Seriously WTF, $930 for that... It's probably only about $40-50 worth of metal (if that) and then the chrome job once it's welded... and a 500% markup... nice looking and unique,…
I just added the book "Merchants of Doubt" to my reading list. Next time I'm at a book store I'll look for it. The last awesome science book I read was "The History of Ideas: From Fire to Freud" neat book talks about cultural and scientific epochs and what led up to each one and how each of them essentially builds…
The stealth tape is awesome. Since my bike uses disc breaks I put a ring of it on the edge of my bikes wheel's rims to give a really good side reflection as well. and it's held on for 2 seasons now of biking in a rain forest, but 3M does make great sticky stuff.
I saw the double helix, but then it kind of looked more like a grilled chicken strip as i stared at it more.... well gonna go grab some lunch.....
Besides what everyone else has already said about the onus being on the driver or passanger exiting the car. It's not a bad idea in itself, the paint of the inside of the door seems excessive/permanent. I'd probably go with some 3M Stealth Tape, looks black in daylight, reflects light back as bright white. I…
I think I've got the same Belkin 6 port that screws in where the faceplate used to be. Thing is fantastic, I've got it in my living next to an end table that houses my iPhone, BT headset (for PS3 games, I wouldn't be caught dead out on the street yammering away on one) as well as 2 PS3 controllers that are charged…
Tyrone Hayes is an awesome human being, at least from what I've seen in a few documentaries on Netflix. There was a a whole part of one of the documentaries I watched talking about him his studies and the effects of Atrazine. Some people could try and downplay his studies after reading some of the emails he's sent,…
Yup, for big purchases or somewhat complicated electronics/wiring I always go straight to the white page or data sheet on the item. It's generally one of the last pages of the manual that lists all the specs, saved me from having to jump through the return merchandise hoops for an online purchase.
Don't type it into google, it conjurs up some unsavory images.... my eyes... they burn from the bleach I used to clean them....
I like how you think! Although seeing a bunch of people riding down a mountain with Master Chief helmets or Call of Duty helmets with skull imprints would make it tough for me to not think about headshots all day while skiing.
Glad to know I'm not the only one that has problems.... ...with finding treasure!
So a little off topic, but does anyone use software that uses their webcam as an ambiant light monitor (think laptops auto dimming displays for brightness). Just curious... okay only half curious...
On casual Friday's they'll be allowed to wear what they want, so long as they are also wearing a dunce cap.
I'll try to remember to check Instructables during lunch today and find the one I used for most of the build. I didn't go with an auto page turn setup so I ended up watching a movie with the rig set up next to me and just flipped the page and every 3 seconds it took a picture. It was a hard bound book so it laid…