How insecure?... I went and dug up Farraday's body and his bones now make up my wallet... still not secure enough!
How insecure?... I went and dug up Farraday's body and his bones now make up my wallet... still not secure enough!
Don't hate the internet, hate the asshats in power that are trying to bend the internet to work for their outdated business models instead of trying to innovate and provide a valuable commodity that's worth what they're asking for it.
RFID is horribly insecure in it's current form for anyone that's played around with RFID tags and learned how the function. Security through obscurity and all that bull....
One way to break the news....
I don't have much experience with Patriot memory, but I'm a big fan of the micro Super Talent drives. I got a 32GB one about a year and a half ago, keep it on my keychain and it still works. The things are rock solid and so small....
I'll second the Sugru or Epoxy suggestions, I'd lean toward epoxy as I think it's a bit more durable than sugru, but since it's inside the glove box and not really seen either should do it.
Being a smoker who still to this day can distinctly smell tabacco on myself even hours after smoking and smell it off other smokers I'd say there are a few things that can also factor into it. I had a friend who lived in an apartment that allowed smoking indoors. He chain smoked American Spirit's in there and rarely…
My local public library pays a subscription for so I've used for free via the public library, can't hurt to give your local public library a call and see what services they subscribe to.
Sorry, I'm at work... can't hit youtube to check the ScanRobot out, but I'm familiar with the difficulty of scanning books or graphic novels. I built a simple rig based around the design I saw on instructables here... [] they have a lot of different build guides depending on how automated (and how much money)…
Bought a bunch of Eneloop AA & AAA batteries a few years ago, pretty much everything that takes batteries in my house uses them now. My big complaint with older rechargables was that they would die so quickly after a charge while sitting on the shelf. The Eneloop's don't seem to have that problem. I can leave a set…
I started using Sanyo Eneloop recharagables and they're awesome compared to the older NiMH and NiCd rechargeables I used to use. They have a very long shelf life and so you can charge them and set them on the shelf and know they'll be good in a few months when you need them. I very rarely buy normal batteries any…
I wanted to pick one of these up, but they don't ship to Alaska... maybe next time I'm in Seattle I'll have to check it out.
My uncle had a chair like that, as a young kid I spent so many hours sitting on the ottoman while he sat in the chair reading to me and my sisters a Dr. Seuss book. I didn't realize how spendy they were until after college when I saw one (that was probably a knock off) at a furniture store in Phoenix selling for…
I cracked my knuckles after reading the article and then read the posts at the bottom and Octopussoup's post also caused me to yawn.... GET OUT OF MY HEAD! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Kind of a neat little mathematical curiosity, but if you sit around and massage the numbers long enough in just about any equation you can get them to do just about anything you want.
Thanks Skyhawk, you've summed it up quite nicely. People keep saying it's the Democrats or it's the Republicans causing all the problems, in reality it's a broken corrupted system but as long as people keep screaming it's the democrats or it's the republicans nothing is ever going to change. It's like it's designed…
That's what I was wondering, if taking down MegaUpload was done within the framework of our current laws then what exactly was the point of SOPA & PIPA, besides tossing any kind of due process out the window and allowing the RIAA & MPAA to be the judge, jury and executioner of web sites with no real oversite or legal…
Excellent point, if I was stuck in the past I'd still want my whiskey on the rocks....
Nice reference, Go Team Venture!