
Then you'll probably love to know how easy it is for anyone with a $5 lock pick set and a little practice can easily open nearly any door that is locked within minutes.

Is there a trick to not getting the camera in the shot while still keeping the cool "infinity" effect with the mirrors? Like one side of the cube has a one way mirror to it? But for that to work it would have to be dark outside the mirror cube and light inside of it. Maybe a mirror box with some diffused RGB LED's

Ugh.... yes please... how many clueless people use that stupid phrase to try and "contribute" to a project. Great!

Perhaps they should also bring back late fees as well since it appears they are less interested in creating a streaming service and more interested in creating a fee paying service.

Snoooooooooooopes! Now I gotta go, someone is wrong on the internet and I have to correct them

Very Jealous.... now back to my 6x6 cube of misery....

The FBI and local law offices are looking into who pointed the laser pointer at the moon as it caused it to nearly crash into the earth and made it difficult for the moon pilots to keep orbiting earth.

Love teamviewer! It's made my family tech support manageable. Also really like the free iPhone\pad app you can download for it.

Most OS's have some kind of logging software. In Windows you can right click on "My Computer" and then choose "Manage" once the Computer Management screen comes up you can look in "Even Viewer" on the left side pane. It will show you program and OS errors most of the time. A quick google of the "event" can give

No, just talking to her over the cell phone, but I was also streaming my webcam footage from my PC to my iphone at the same time so i could see her and what she was doing in my room as I talked to her, she couldn't see me only hear via the phone.

I had a problem with a roommate going through everything in my bedroom while I was at work, she denied it up and down when I asked her if she'd been going through my room. So I figured I was either paranoid and crazy or she was lying through her teeth. So I set up a web cam and used iSpy for Windows. It worked

Perfect timing! It's lunch, gonna go make me a sammywitch!

...Oh Heisenberg, get back to your primo meth manufacturing and leave the amateurs that want to dabble in zombie drugs alone.

Have you seen the motion detectors that are for yard sprinklers? They're supposed to be to keep deer from eating your plants, but I have other ideas on how to use them....

I live in a small apartment so I've plugged in a webcam to my HTPC in my living room that can see my front door which is the only access point to get in my apartment as it's on the 12th floor of the building. Using iSpy I've configured it so I get texts on my iPhone if it senses motion and I can bring up a live

Another vote for lmgtfy.com I try not to use it too often, but sometimes passive aggressive point making is the only way to get through to some users.

Hang it over the edge? Remember the golden rule, one hand for yourself so you don't fall to your death and one hand so you don't pee all over yourself and wish you had fallen to your death.

I'm still a huge fan of www.audiocubes.com They might be a little overpriced, but they have a pretty amazing collection of speakers and headphones there, it's an import store so expect a small price hike on items.

Evernote!? Is there nothing you can't do!

Perhaps it's someone trying to give you a hint ;P j/k