
He wasn't all sweaty all the time or anything his hands just always felt cold and clammy and if he was handing you the controller for a game you would feel the need to wipe the thing down. It was really weird I've never met anyone else with such cold clammy hands before. Shaking hands with him they were always cold

I had a friend who always had the gross clammy hands thing going where his hands were always clammy... (he was a good guy, but damn I hated shaking his hand, felt like I was shaking hands with a mop). Or if we were playing some single player video game and passing the gamepad back and forth we'd make him wipe off the

Nice tip, I used to just flip the unopened peanut butter jar upside down when my opened peanut butter was almost out. usually about a day of it being upside down the oil will have worked it's way to the top of the upside down jar making stirring it simple since it softens up the peanut butter.

you are not the only one...

20+ KHz would be outside my hearing, but the problem is a microphone attached to basically a 20 foot copper antennae plugged into a mixing board. 60hz hum gets picked up from all kinds of electric sources by mics, even if it is beyond what the ear can hear you get an annoying buzz in your recording from it.

Awwww, I was just about to put in a hot tip about using an old used sock to catch all your noodles from top ramon then turn it inside out and drop them on your plate viola! noodles!

Don't pretty much all florescent lights create that annoying 60hz hum that mics can pick up? I was under the impression it was the ballest's power converter.

Yup, Gradius used to always display a grid on the screen when it wasn't working right, only way to get it to work was the "clack attack" after blowing on it.

Ditto, just want the convenience of syncing it when I'm about to go to bed and letting it do it's thing while it's docked in my radio/alarm clock.

This should be really handy for syncing. I've wanted Apple supported wifi syncing for a long time now. Mainly so at night when I'm about to go to bed and I dock my iPhone to my clock/radio I can set it to sync and go to bed. As it is now I only sync my iphone every few weeks and it takes quite a long time to do the

I've got iTunes sharing set up as well as a UPnP and DLNA on my network for other music and video devices. I often use iTunes sharing to access my music from my home theater PC in the living room to my desktop in my bedroom. I could swear I've looked in the iTunes player app on the iPhone and haven't ever seen the

Welcome to the current state of things. Average people breaking multiple federal laws almost daily. No wonder we Americans lead the world with number of people in jail. Sometimes our laws don't align with reality.... but I do understand what you are saying in regards to a viewing party.

Thanks, I'll look into used, or refurbished versions for the airport express. It's just one of those things that seem like it would be so simple to implement especially just over a home wifi network. I've got ORB on my iPhone I might try using that, since I used to be able to stream music from anywhere I had wifi or

Is there any way to stream music from my computer running iTunes to my iPhone 4s. I want to have access to all my music on my PC when I'm out working in the garage and would rather not have to crawl under the house to run speaker wires out to the garage and then control iTunes with the iTunes app on my phone which is

What about a projector in the backyard, and plenty of neighbors that would want to watch the movie as well. We'll call it patio cinema, bring your own lawn furniture and byob.

Normally I don't see myself using it, but for roadtrips with friends and vacations it might be super handy. On a day to day basis, not so much...

Great band, the line up of artists originally in it was impressive. So many of those musicians went onto create other awesome bands.

That's one of my favorites.... thanks for reminding me.

Yeah, Kinda wish they had gone with amber or yellow LED/Faulty Tube lights to keep the color similar to the "warm glow" of tubes.

LOL, perfect time for walternate to show up.