
I've been using Arduino for about 6 months, the programming is pretty simple as far as programming goes, but I'm not really solid with the electronic components needed. I came across this site [fritzing.org] it's only in the alpha stage of development, but it looks promising, anyone else tried using the software?

Most likely it's the format of the hard drive that's the issue. The PS3 only recognizes FAT32 formatted drives (most thumb drives are still formatted to FAT32). Your hard drive was formatted at the factory most likely as an NTFS formatted drive. My solution with my older WD MyBook (2TB) was to use Windows 7 to make

Been using TeamViewer for the last couple of years. My reasons are it's cross platform, doesn't require changes to the firewalls or router and the installer has the option of installing it or just running it off a thumb drive. It works well enough and has free apps for iPhone and Android.

Me too, Geek high fives all around!

Been using the portable app version of this on my thumbdrive for the last few years. It works well enough, I don't get many repeat BSoD's but when I do it's nice to quickly bring up the list and see if it's the same stop code over and over again and what driver it's pointing to.

Bonus points for NASA if one of the astronaut's name is either Ishmael or Ahab!

Bonus points for NASA if the asteroid they try to harpoon is called Moby Dick and the bonus points go off the charts if they can find an astronaut named Ahab or Ishmael to fire the harpoon.

50% werewolf + 50% vampire = 100% nutters.

This just in, Banana farmers aren't removing the radiation from bananas, want you all to die!

Now playing

I have such a deep seeded loathing for people that try to ban books and take things completely out of context. I'm of the opinion that censorship is generally worse then the "offending" material.

Actually the irrational disproportional fear probably won't happen since he doesn't live in the US from the sounds of it.

Obviously a sign of Intelligent Design, look at how easy it is for me to hold this chunk of meat, it's like it was designed for that explicit purpose! /jk

Slingshot cam is horrible and awesome all in one. You could really get some 'candid' shots right before your friends beat the ever loving bejeebus out of you for pulling that #*@! on them.

I thought it was inhumane to have boneless chicken farms with all those poor chickens flopping around on the ground since they had no bones, but this! Science, you've gone too far again! /jk

Bumper Sticker? My Kid was student of the month at UAT and brought down Sony's infrastructure.

Guess I'm just gonna take a wait and see approach. Odds are the iPhone 5 won't have any major game changers to it (although more storage would be really nice) so i might just buy a refurbed iPhone 4 and sign another contract. I'll just wait to see how the prices shake out. I'm still on unlimited data, but it's not

Bummer on the cheap for an iPhone 4 was in the $200-250 range was what I was hoping. In the end it might just be cheaper to sign the 2 year contract and get a new one... I'll wait a little while longer and see if prices drop or if any friends want to sell me their iPhone 4 when they upgrade to the iPhone 5.

I use them so much that they generally don't sit on the shelf for more than about 3 months. I've got Eneloops in my Cannon digital camera that I put in there back in March and it still shows just under half power when I turn it on and that's with quite a few pictures taken over the summer (no flash used though). So

So the lifehacker crowd is generally pretty knowledgeable on how to save a buck with electronics. I've got an iPhone 3G (16gb) and was wanting to upgrade. I was hoping when the iPhone 5 comes out I could pick up a 2nd hand iPhone 4 on the cheap so i don't have to sign into another 2 year contract with AT&T as right

So for rechargeables I'm a big fan of Sanyo Eneloops [NiMH]. I've used quite a few different brands over the last 5 years and the Eneloops just seem to hold a charge the longest. You see, the problem with many of the rechargeable batteries out there is that if you charge them and then set them on a shelf for use