
Video sites are blocked at my work as I check this out during my lunch. Even with the site blocked that damn song is stuck in my head now. GET OUT OF MY HEAD TINA!

I always wondered what perfume my grandma used to wear as the smell was peculiar. I'm pretty sure now the smell was Lavender and Mothballs.

Ditto about the non-traditional fantasy. I've had to explain it to a lot of people that yes, it's a fantasy series, but at least so far besides a few dragon skulls and some talk about the creatures that show up at the north wall once the long winter hits I haven't seen any of the standard fantasy tropes, which makes

GoodReader, supports a lot of file formats and huge PDF's that some other PDF apps have crashed on for me. I kept an eye out until there was a deal on it then picked it up on the cheap, it's a really solid program.

Aye, the real pirate language be far too salty for those mullipuffs and swillbellies at Disney!

It's of little surprise why we Americans are so often derided.

Remember JAVA applets........ more and more people care are calling them apps, but I still call 'em, software or programs or to annoy some people I say applications.

If you're asking if your machine can handle windows 8 it probably can, RAM is probably the biggest issue followed by the processor. I work in IT and we had a lot of older machines that actually ran smoother on Windows 7 then they had on Windows XP including older Pentium 4 and Pentium D systems. Microsoft realized

Weird I've never heard of that before, but now I'm off on an internet scavenger hunt for clues!

Not sure of the exact make and model, but a friend of mine had one of those washer/dryer in a single unit (not the top bottom kind but one front loading machine that washed and dried) made by Samsung. I think he got it at Home Depot. The only issue they had with it was that after running a load in it they had to

I've been wondering for years now why computer desks suck so much. I built my own a couple years ago and I have a drawer like this for charging all my gadgets. Along the back edge of the desk I installed a couple of power strips and used a router to make a built in USB/SATA hub that can easily be upgraded for

Another point for keeping panda's alive...

Currently I'm 34 years old....

Instructables.com has plenty of solid Arduino tutorials and you tube is full of videos of people walking you through some projects.

I got a couple Arduino UNO's at the beginning of the summer and have been playing around with them a lot. It's amazing all the things you can do with one. My first project was to build a very simple 3x3x3 LED cube just to learn the ins and outs of the arduino sketches and interface. I also hadn't done any

The is very similar to older style "Bias Lighting" which isn't hard on the eyes at all. I've had a simple bias lighting setup for a few years now behind my TV and it makes it so you can turn the lights in the room off or down real low and still not get that zombie feeling where you're eyes almost hurt after watching

instructables had a guide for using the standard Arduino to do this type of thing. I've got a HTPC I've been wanting to do this with, but am still trying to build up my skills with an Arduino first. So 4x4x4 LED cube first! Eventually I'll have the skills for a sweet setup like yours.

Besides picking up a magazine before a plane flight I don't really use magazines anymore. When I did get a lot of magazines years ago I'd bring them into the office after I finished reading them and leave them in the break room. We had a small table in the corner that was the unofficial give one/take one magazine

Reminds me of the tutorial for making copies of your records and re-pressing them yourself. Neat idea, but I haven't had a record player in years now. Curious what the audiophiles out there think.

Sweet, Banana Stickers are totally metal.