
Many state and federal organizations will send their old equipment to the "state/federal surplus" I live in Juneau, Alaska and we have a state government surplus warehouse that has tons of computer stuff. You can find used LCD's, desktop's, laptops, servers, routers, printers on the cheap at these places. they might

Yeah, I gave up on my car a couple years ago and ride a bike now and use a daypack I've had for years. Works great, I only buy what I need and when I'm tempted to go off the diet and buy a 12 pack of soda I also have to be willing to bike home with all that extra weight sloshing around in my backpack which means even

Obviously you then start up your "baby funtime" app that opens the pit under the baby crib which leads to the sharks with lazers attached to their heads. You know, so the baby has something to play with until you get home in a month. You did leave a months supply of baby food in the crib right? Excellent, problems

Really not a very interesting story, I saw it years ago on a site that was called something like "Evil Admin" or "Admins from Hell" or something... the premise was what was the quickest way to bring down a network for an extended amount of time. A picture similar to this was posted. Nowadays with Power over Ethernet

Am I doing it right?

Ohhhh, should of called it Crystal Coors! It should go over even better than Crystal Pepsi did!

LOL, I learned how to use computers so I could play games. Now computers are learning English so they can play games. Guess if this pans out we won't have to worry about the singularity since all the computers will be sitting on the couch getting stoned and playing video games. I just hope they all don't sound


Yeah, unless Master Locks have significantly changed the way their basic locks work a simple shim would pop that lock in about 5 - 10 seconds and they can be made from a soda can. If you're too cheap to spend the 5 - 10 dollars for a quality lock shim.

Wow, thanks for the pro tips!

I generally only notice an issue with eyestrain when it gets later in the day and the office starts to get a little darker. For my desktop workstation and for my entertainment center I've just put small Japanese style paper lamps behind my monitors with a dimmer on them. As it gets later I turn them on so the wall

I didn't have a portable computer until about 3 months ago so I used to always carry around a USB thumb drive with PortableApps installed on it and a bunch of OpenSource software that could run directly off the thumb drive and didn't need to be installed; I used it all the time. That way if the computer I was using

I used to use rechargeables all the time as a kid but they were those horrible NiCd batteries. A couple of years ago I looked into rechargeables again and found a lot of good reviews for the Sanyo Eneloops. So i got an 8 pack of AA 1.2volt 2000mA and a charger that had a refresh button on it. It works great and the

I had nothing but trouble with my BT dropping on my laptop when trying to transfer to another laptop or smartphone. Sorry, but I eventually gave up and use dropbox sparingly for sharing stuff to my smartphone. BT transfer sounds like a great idea, but when it worked it seemed really slow even for 5kb text files.

Picasa is my go to app for friends and family who use digital cameras, but have no idea about adjustment layers and such. I used to use ACDsee, but the version I had started getting flakey with Win7[x64] so I started using Picasa for my photo management and GIMP when I occasionally need to do something more than

I live in Juneau, AK and our LBS's we've had usually go out of business pretty quickly. If you live in a large city with a good LBS do use them, but I generally don't have that option. If anyone else is in the same boat as myself do yourself a favor and pick up Park Tools "Big Blue Book" if you have any interest in

Sarcasm? It's so hard to tell in written word without hearing the inflection of the voice or seeing a persons face as they say it.

Yeah, I mainly wanted it for sharing media and files across my network without having to run a server 24/7 for everything to connect to. Might try to reset some of the services on the DLink NAS 321, to see if I can get some performance improvements if I could get the UPnP working again.

I picked up a DLink DNS-321 on sale about 6 months ago. My problems is that the iTunes mini server feature never worked and it crashed the UPnP server on it and I've never gotten it back up and running. I can access it over my network from my PC's, but both my PS3 and 360 can see it, but error out when trying to

Orb is passable on a standard def TV, the issue is that on the Wii your basically watching flash video (Via Orb, or some other similar transcoder). If you're not obsessed with video quality and just want to be able to watch stuff it can't hurt to try it out, last time I tried Orb 4 years ago with a Wii it was on an