
lol, it's a great investment.

Try going to the Sony Vaio website and download the manual for your desktop PC. In the back page or two of the manual they normally have specifications. If it says it takes a normal ATX MoBo (the standard size for desktops) then it shouldn't be a problem to swap it out. Most of my work is dealing with Dell

It will also be useful to keep my dog from sneaking onto my computer during the day and looking up porn, because that's the only way it could of gotten there....

I just started my Arduino {UNO} project on Monday after receiving all the electronics I ordered. I also bought a breadboard kit that lets you build your own Arduino board which was helpful in understanding what all chips and electronics parts are on the Arduino board. The ATmega that's the heart of the Arduino board

I've been enjoying the series so far, I read the first book a long time ago and don't remember it all that well. These slow burn episodes are a little annoying, but needed if they want to stay in sync with the books. Hoping to see things start to pick up as everything falls apart for the two families.

Picasa should work, the actual video format is MPEG-2 (so you need software that can decode DVD's on your PC) according to [picasa.google.com]

I don't follow graphics cards very closely, but when I'm going to be building a new rig or thinking about upgrading my card I go to Tom's Hardware they have the graphics cards chards which lets you compare them and tells you what the $weet $pot is for price/perfomance. It's one of the main sources I use when I'm

Thanks {jeffeb3} I've got a lot of EE tech info to go over this weekend. I'll check to see what "The Art of Electronics" is all about a desk reference might be handy.

I think using StumbleUpon I found Circuit Cellar magazine online, but it didn't seem to have much online just highlights of the articles that the magazine put out. I'll see what Nuts and Volts is all about. Thanks for the tips kschang!

I've been to sparkfun a few times, they do have some sweet kits you can pick up. I added it to my bookmarks. Thanks for the tips!

sweet, added it to my bookmarks will check it out this weekend as I wait for all my parts to arrive.

I was in the exact same spot last summer. I had gotten up to almost 280lbs and decided I needed to do something. I used to love mountain biking, but after college I got so tied up in work and constant traveling (work related) that I quit doing almost all exercise. So at first I just started riding my mountain bike,

BUILDING ELECTRONICS QUESTION: What are some good electronics websites

It might require using your wangle.... just saying... =P

Someday I'll learn to use my powers for good and not just evil....

I tried saying it, but I need way more echo and reverb for the right 50's sci-fi announcer sound.

I totally agree, I don't believe anything I read on a..... oh damnit... you tricked me!

lol, nice.

Yup, my 40" LCD is basically a monitor with a HTPC (Netflix & Hulu) and PS3 plugged into it. Cable TV, that's for suckers, and I just can't justify the cost for the few shows I 'kinda' like to watch. Now I just get it from Netflix once it's available for streaming or the DVD's become available for rent. Sorry,

I've had to cut down on online streaming video and music. I've also had to turn off automatic updates so I can download them all to one machine then copy the files across my network to the rest of my PC's so I'm not downloading the same updates three times for my server, HTPC and laptop. I've cut my online backup