
Anyone ever try microwaving a hard drive? I think Make: Magazine had some crazy guide on turning a microwave into a smelter for metal work. I think I've got an old microwave laying around... might be worth trying.

Concrete isn't a bad idea, I hear that's how they made sure no body could get Jimmie Hoffa's body or information.

I think I've played too much of the game WORMS, because after reading about the concrete bombs all I could think of was the French dropping Concrete Donkeys on tanks.

Melt it down in a crucible?

Of course! Our wars aren't just about oil, it's also about getting rid of our nuclear waste by firing it at our enemies. /sarcasm

Being in a horrible accident as a child (I was exposed to an Apple ][ at a young age) I was geeked from birth, I've known about this for a long time, but marketing needs some kind of buzz word or easy metric to use to sell you the newest fastest "bestest" processors out there. For a long while the clock speed seemed

Never fully understood the logic behind wanting someone from the country of the cuisine making it as if being from the country automagically makes you awesome at preparing the dishes. I'd much rather have an actual chef that is familiar with the cuisine and knows how to cook it all properly.

I've got a group of friends that I used to regularly go mountain biking with 2 or 3 times a week. I would try to ride 5 days a week, but as a group we only got together about twice a week. Due to schedule changes with my job and family issues It's gotten really tough for us all to get together to ride at the same

I'm not familiar with Spot. I'll have to check it out, I was a little turned off by some of the changes to EveryTrail that have been going on in the past 18 months or so. I understand they're trying to montize their system to some degree. I'm hoping to find something more like a wikipedia of world trails and hikes

I've been using it some in Juneau, Alaska. Mainly just testing out how well it works and how accurate it is with my iPhone. For the most part it works pretty well, it does drain your smart phone's battery fast. If you plan on going on any day long hikes either invest in a dedicated GPS unit or buy a battery back

So glad those Tiger LCD PoS's are gone. Even as a kid when I got one of them for a road trip, I'd be forced to smile and offer a thank you and toss it in the bottom of my bag as I knew I'd never play the lame thing. The only one I ever really cracked out on was a Super Mario Brothers LCD game made by Nintendo (post

Meh, this tip feels like a bit of a stretch. Did you know you can use rocks to break open the shell of peanuts?

About half our programmers have their desks set up as standing desks, then they convinced management to buy the expensive "tall" Herman Miller office chairs and they sit in them about 90% of the day. So I'm not so sure what the point was, although we do have two programmers that stand nearly all day at their desks

Yeah it threw me off a little at first too, I'm used to older systems (and some BIOS) where when they say "+" it really means use shift and the equals key in the number row to get "+".

Sweet, thanks for the tip. I'll have to check that out once I get home from work tonight.

Heh, I just got a dual core atom netbook (ASUS 1215N) it has a built in SD card reader and I recently jailbroke my iPhone so I can't think of a reason I'd ever really need an eye-fi. I guess the inner geek in me just though wifi on an SD card was cool as hell sounding.

Kick ass, thanks for the tip... I'll check them out this evening once I'm done with work....

Oh, I didn't think of using the chrome start page for the RSS feeds, I just use Google Reader or iGoogle (with the Reader plugin) that I use as my start page.

Yeah I use Google Reader as well for two reasons, it's simple and I can tag articles to read later making it nice to scan during my work breaks since even the sites that get blocked by our work filters I can still see the headline and star it to read later at home or off of my iPhone while I'm sitting at someone's

Thanks for the info, I'll probably do a little more reading on reviews and see if I can find a bit more info on these, but I have a better idea of what to be asking. These did go from super awesome sounding to me being a bit more skeptical. I didn't even think about the transferring issue of not knowing when it's