
Just checked out the link that is a pretty sweet bag, but I think it's a bit bigger than I'd want. I've got a large north face skiing day pack that I've been using on my bike rides to work, but it's a bit bigger than I need for day to day commuting. Being that I ride a bike to work in Juneau Alaska it's raining most

I need to start digging through laptop bags. Was hoping to find a DSLR bag (with room for aa couple extra lenses) with a 12" netbook compartment.

Does it double as a flak jacket? I do like the smaller back packs that really hug your back since I ride my bicycle to work a lot and hate having a large backpack that swings from side to side as I'm riding although I do appreciate all the extra storage.

Could you be a little more specific about what the problems you had were. Does it just have a really hard time connecting to wifi or does it transfer at dial up speeds? I've been looking at these for a while and most reviews people gush over how great they are. It would be nice to hear the dissenting opinion on

Nice to see some of Jason Chen's older works getting fitted into some of the newer tech out there.

I used to use Photoshop all the time since that's what they had at my school and eventually at a few of the businesses I worked for over the years. As rarely as I need high end graphic manipulation I just use GIMP. If you're a bit of a Photoshop power user it really doesn't take long to get used to GIMP. Now I use

Ditto, just check your dates so it doesn't arrive on a weekend or you end up kicking yourself all weekend for not having it home delivered.

Make sure it's a Windows 7 PC, I know the keyboard shortcuts don't work in XP and am unsure of Vista. My laptop running Windows 7 does it fine using the "-" or "=" on the number row ("=" is the "+", but you don't need to use shift or anything). Not sure if the shortcut works off of the 10 key I've always used the

HTPC FTW! I use the zoom feature in the OS when the text is a little too small to read on some things. For the web browsers I just use the built in zoom features instead of the OS. I don't use it that often since ctrl+mouse wheel "up" OR "down" zooms in and out in most all modern web browsers. Still a handy trick

I use the browser until it has problems or annoys me enough I'm willing to deal with the minor performance hit of learning the ins and outs of a new browser and finding all the plugins needed to make it work the way I want it to. That's what caused me to switch from Firefox to Chrome. I was having all kinds of flash

Teamviewer (www.teamviewer.com) is 100% free for personal use (it's been covered on LifeHacker a few times), works like RealVNC, has a free client for the iPhone (not sure about android) and works on PC, Mac and Linux. Because it uses clients on each end and has servers to maintain the connection I've found it just

Yes, but that is as it should be =P

Bummer I'm living in Juneau, Alaska and was hoping for a few tricks. Although I guess any of us that live up in Alaska at this point have figured out most the tricks we can. For me it's making sure when ordering through Amazon that I only purchase amazon sold products and not to go through any 3rd party retailers

...his wallet... yeah...

LOL, I just finished ME:2 last week and that cracked me up every time I walked past the space marine yelling at the new grunts.

The android severed thumb ad was kind of creepy.

It's kinda sad, but Geometry Wars 2 was one of my favorite games. It was simple to understand and get into; the coop was fantastic.

I'm guessing once the box was opened he was done working and ready to play.

Actually I'd like to see an article about this topic. IS current gen wireless all that bad? Does it create much additional latency? I've played wired and wireless depending on what was convenient and can't say I've noticed much of a difference.

Marathon and System Shock would be freaking awesome. Halo was kind of a spiritual successor to Marathon, but was always missing something.