Maybe he made it partly down the ladder, enough to avoid being turned to ash but not far enough to avoid being blasted and knocked out. Plus it was a really long ladder and the Russians below may have snatched him up before he got the chance.
Maybe he made it partly down the ladder, enough to avoid being turned to ash but not far enough to avoid being blasted and knocked out. Plus it was a really long ladder and the Russians below may have snatched him up before he got the chance.
Exactly. Supposedly another episode or scene showed a very long ladder right where Hopper was standing. Joyce took some time to turn the key and they didn't show him die. I think he went down the ladder and the Russians picked him up on the way out. Russian Terminator kept referring to the group as The Americans so it…
There is a ladder right below where he was standing and the camera cuts to Joyce, who takes a minute turning the key.
But the orange origins is definitely not n NY thing.
Interesting how he's all for poking fun at other people but if someone pokes fun of him, he threatens to revoke their broadcast licenses.
Naomi’s lips were ridiculously bad.
Yes! It is such a fascinating word from an entomology point of view and it sucks that it has become the Big Bad Swear Word.
Plenty of people make the mistake :)
I think the confusion comes from the fact that Elizabeth does have a sister named Mary. And I would guess that the average person on the street would say that Bloody Mary is the same person as Mary Queen of Scots when one is Mary Tudor and the other is Mary Stuart. I’m just a total Tudor nerd though!
That is correct, I just wasn’t sure if it was 2nd cousins or first once removed (I can never remember the difference between the two). But yes...Elizabeth’s father, Henry VIII had a sister named Margaret. She and her husband had a son James who is Mary’s father. So the common relative is Elizabeth’s grandfather, Henry …
For whatever reason I LOVE The Tudors but cannot stomach Reign. Both are crazy inaccurate but I just couldn’t deal with the her ladies in waiting (the 4 Marys) being named Greer, Lola and whatever the fuck they called the others.
“She wanted to remove what she thought was her father’s bastard”
The people who ordered it...Ben and the Playmate.
The funeral of someone like McCain is a little different than a normal funeral. It is basically a state funeral and all sorts of officials are going and many more would want to come. I remember in high school when kids died, their were always idiots who barely knew the kid making a fool of themselves as if they lost th…
The paparazzi were clearly staking out his house for some time as they were on hand a day or two before to photograph the booze delivery.
It is. And the wedding cake as we know it—white, three tiers—also comes from Victoria, specifically the cake she had made for Princess Vicky’s wedding.
Right? I don’t have much feeling towards the Kardshians either way and pay them little mind but have noticed that people say horrible things about how they raise their kids. If Kim shows her body, she’s no better than a whore and is scarring her children for life. It’ so weird that people see someone on TV or in…
I had to look that one up. I had never heard it. And yup, I’m a white girl.
Scandal absolutely jumped the shark several seasons ago. If this weren’t the last season I don’t know if I would still be watching but I have to agree with another poster who said they really enjoy the HTGAWM characters.
It is so disturbing how far the pendulum has swung. If we really want to see shit change, shutting down conversation is the exact opposite. Matt Damon may have some awkward man-splaining moments but he is basically an ally. Several years ago there was a video of Damon ripping apart some idiot reporters while attending…