
Is Jared Leto playing Heath Ledger’s Joker in the Snyder Cut?

It got me every damn time. “Oh look, Jon Hamm!” Boom.

Somebody has said that zombie shows won’t be realistic unless somebody is wading into the zombies screaming “zombies don’t exist and pretending they do is a violation of my rights!” They’re not wrong.

I also liked the runner about introducing a major guest star every season premiere who is then killed off within minutes.

I loved the running background storyline on the show that basically all the survivors had massive drinking problems and or pill problems from dealing with isolation and grief, something else the writers got right it seems

To think how much dumber real life was. Not once did they joke about arguing if the virus was real or how much more important it was to get the economy back up and running.

My wife died at the beginning of the pandemic, last March, but I don’t hold any animosity towards him or the show for making light of it. From great tragedy comes great comedy, and comedy has helped me process my grief.

I started watching The Leftovers on HBO last week. I know Endgame dove into how the world was a little bleaker and people were depressed after The Snap, but that show goes deep into how people would react to a large chunk of the population just vanishing. All kinds of cults and other strange behavior from people. You

Nah, Darcy’s great. You need comic relief to cut through all that stuffy seriousness. She and Jimmy played off each other nicely.

Going from poli sci college student to renown astrophysics expert in 12 years. You go *DR* Lewis!

But it does make for a lousy mystery.

The Archer/Bob’s Burgers crossover is still one of my favorites. It made sense in a lot of ways, and while Bob’s only factored in at the beginning and end, it played into the sensibilities of both series pretty damn well.

Memory-wiped Threepio was an exploitive abomination played for a laugh at his expense, rather than to create any drama or self reflection by his organic friends masters. Bad opinion is bad.

When you claim a harassment campaign against a woman for saying systemic racism exists and calling out a woman woman who harasses trans people, spreads false information about COVID during a pandemic, and actively endorses an armed insurrection of the US Government to overturn a lawful election as equally bad it says

Hydra Bath has a real “Tahiti” vibe.

“another Marvel project, yawn, they’re all the same anyways - I don’t see why anyone likes them anymore. They don’t do anything creative and the directors don’t matter, it’s all just Marvel-house style anyway.”

Im sure they'll be devastated. 

I am disappointed that this is largely a straight forward recap, rather than a review. 

God, the Ultimate Universe started off with so much promise, but 99% of it is just basically trash. 

I think Monica flew into the “bubble” on a SWORD copter but once you enter the bubble you are automatically rejiggered to conform to the reality Wanda is creating - so the helicopter turns into a toy, Monica becomes one of the townspeople - although her training and/or recent induction allows her to remember the real