
If only they could find the person, arrest them, and then tell them that could have just killed a fetus. Like good job guys, so smart.

I wish you were right. Trump’s 42% poll numbers scare the fuck out of me. There are growing numbers of white supremacists. Young men who seek something interesting and exciting to be a part of, that makes them think they are awesome, and allows them to play with guns and shit, and hang out with guys, and gives them

It would make me sick to have a racist parent, but I don’t think the anger you and the others have toward Tree Pretty is accomplishing anything. You seem to think banishing a family member is super easy. I prefer to educate them.

It’s like the Brexit meme - ‘Not everyone voting for Trump is racist, but every racist is voting for Trump.’

I stopped believing that when Obama was elected in ‘08.

No shit. If Hills doesn’t win in a landslide I will no longer believe people are “mostly good.”

Jill Stein is enough of an embarrassment. We don’t need more.

This is just scary, it so easy to make a joke and dismiss this but the US is heading down such a dark path.

I’ve spent 2016 thinking I could never empathize with an orange-tinted simpleton with obviously synthetic hair and a first-grader’s communication style. But hey, I stand corrected.

this girl’s linking to breitbart like it’s real

I don’t know. I can’t think of a more fitting defeat for misogynistic Trump than him getting his dick kicked off by a woman in a competition for the most politically muscular job in the world.

I don’t understand the logic says that whatever man that couldn’t beat her in the primary would be doing doing just so much better than her in the general? Like, if you can’t convince your base that you’re the best person for the job good luck with the rest of the country??

Eh, I have purposefully washed my feet maybe 5 times in my whole life. Never had any kind of infection or fungus. I trust most people to figure out their hygiene needs for themselves, as long as it’s not bothering anybody else.

I am 31. I rarely wash my feet (I might do it if there’s a person in the shower with me).

I’ve never had any kind of infection on my feet. Never ever! Really... they’re not that delicate.

Y’all need to chill the fuck out you’re not eating w your feet and none of you are mouth fucking my toes so

i almost never wash my feet (unless i’m soaking in the tub) and for 37 years now i have never had a problem with foot odour, bacteria, fungus, athlete’s foot, or any other issue like that.

Huh. I don’t wash my legs (unless they’ve got dirt on them) and I pee in the shower. I’m disgusting, apparently.

Perhaps the more deciding factor in this analysis would be whether people have dry skin as opposed to leg hair. If I wash my legs, I’m basically committing to using up an entire bottle of body lotion to restore them to somewhere near human as opposed to crocodilian.

I’ve never understood what the problem is with peeing in the shower. The drain goes to the sewer and you’re saving a flush without having pee water sit in your bathroom for ages.

I’m a man and so by my very nature, disgusting. But aside from my head/face I only wash the following: armpits and cock/balls/taint/asscrack. I’ll also wash my feet if they are in particular need (i.e. after mowing the lawn in flipflops). My science teacher in 7th grade said that we over-wash and use too much soap so