
I will say that my favorite part about this so far is the part where two thieves accidentally disarmed the pressure cooker bomb because they were stealing the suitcase. God bless New York in all its glory, really.

Yep, they’re terrifying the shit out of me too. . . . .It’s like 2000 all over again with the false equivalencies (though worse). I’m starting to think you had to be around voting age in 2000 to get that just 4 years of a truly bad president is enough to really fuck over the country and the world. I was 16 then, and

Funny thing is when I am driving (or biking) and going straight there are motorists who conga-line left turns well after their arrow has expired.

Fuck anti- abortion groups. Seriously- THEIR rights are being stomped on? What about the rights of a woman going into the clinic to not be harassed? Had someone done this to me when I had my abortion I would have spit in their face. What a bunch of bullshit. There should be a 35 foot buffer zone than prevents anyone

What other medical procedures are people allowed to be harassed for seeking out? Can I stand outside a cancer treatment center and tell people they just need to eat carrots? Can I block people from entering orthodontists because they should totally just keep their wisdom teeth?

Also doesn’t give you the right to harass people seeking medical care. Or write down their license plate numbers or post their photos online - which is what these sick fucks do to women.

The anti-choice folks always get the constitutional protections part of the argument backwards - if you wish to receive services from one of these clinics (or any place, really), you have the constitutional right for some whackadoo to NOT be in your goddamn face. Shit, 8 feet ain’t near far enough away if you ask

One of my worst experiences as a grown-up lady was going with my friend who was having an abortion and encountering the many layers of unnecessary emotional trauma in order to have an abortion. One component of what made it terrible - the people saying things outside the clinic. We had just been duped by one of those

The complaint, as the Chicago Tribune reports, accuses the city, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, police Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Transportation Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld of “partnering with abortion vendors to violate the rights of those who wish to reach out to women seeking abortions.”

From what I’ve seen, what these activists and ‘sidewalk counselors’ do amounts to harassment.

One of my biggest “is it worth the time savings” was, oddly, buying something we normally buy at the grocery store at the gas station down the street.

Unfortunately I’m drowning in student loans :(

It’s fine to feel sorry for her. I think she’s just your average social climber, and she never expected to be in the national spotlight like this where people are paid money to actually check the things you say.

One thing’s sure, whoever her legal representation was is probably going to get sued by Trump.

A very, very small part of me wants to feel bad for this woman. Fortunately that part is scared shitless of the rest of me so...

Meh. Obviously shouldn’t lie under oath, but I don’t actually care whether she has a college degree or not.

Those poor innocent accused. Those women have so much to gain by accusing some layabout college slacker! And all they have to endure is a rape kit and not being believed by pretty much everyone on Earth!

Me too. Sanders was a huge class act yesterday during the roll call. He and the vast majority of his supporters have really done some heavy lifting to unify the party while holding true to their ideals (all states should get to vote, progressive platform, and so on.) I am so, so proud to stand beside them and move

This article articulates so well why I lost so much respect for Bernie Sanders when he failed to support down-ticket Dems. Because the revolution doesn’t happen because you gave a fiery speech or crafted a uniquely engaging talking point.

There were a few people on MSNBC last night that said they didn’t like Bill’s speech (at least the first half of the speech) because it focused on Hillary in relation to her husband, but I had a totally different takeaway. I saw it as a brilliant reversal of the typical “this is my husband behind the scenes” speech

He's back. And this time, it's personal.