Wednesdays Child sublettingthebrooklynbridge

I have to imagine I’m either in the minority, or completely alone, but I liked spiderman 3 better than 2... Yes the travolta-man strut was beyond retarded, and should never, ever have been done (or discussed as a goof. even as an outtake. That was never seen. By even an animal.). And I’m the type of person that a

Garfield was a tragedy, not because of his acting, but because of the material he was given. For whatever reason, Sony and the Powers-That-Be thought it would be a good idea to make Peter a hipster skater without any of the bullying/self-esteem/everyday problems that characterized Peter’s humanity.

Crowded? You mean like Tokyo?

#. Get to work sweaty and will need a shower before getting to your desk.

It’s always amusing when people choose to live in the most populous city in the country, then complain about how crowded it is.

So all this article is saying is the L might get shut down, which has been extensively reported on for at least 4 months probably more. Great Job Gawker!!

show up to work sweaty

e) Get killed.

Down in DC, we just discovered that the Metro was responding to reports of smoke in the tunnels by sending FULL trains into the tunnels to double-check the reports. We found this out because of the investigation that started when someone died from smoke inhalation a couple years ago.

Suddenly I’m happy to live in the Midwest, where those rents’ll get me a castle and a pillowcase full of meth.

And some blogger over on Gizmodo tells me urban living is Gods gift to existing. Phooey to that.

it sort of IS a dumpster

Did you not get the sarcasm in that post?

Why DO people live in NYC? Everything is expensive, rent sucks, transportation sucks, crime sucks, there’s hardly any vegetation and the place actually smells like a dumpster.

Lol, #overcrowdedcityproblems

And yet Deadspin still ranks is the best city OF ALL TIME.

Soft New Yorkers! Let me know when it looks like this

for real tho that city sucks

Who knew that living in the same city as 9 million other people, within a greater metro area of 20 million, would be crowded and expensive?

Those bitches, why inconvenience everyone else because you wanted to have kids?