Wednesdays Child sublettingthebrooklynbridge

My dad works on really old houses back in New Jersey— 18th & 19th century, mostly 18th— one time he opened up a wall by a staircase, and found an entire pile of empty laudanum vials. As well as a box of full ones. Seems the lady of the house had made/found a loose panel between the wall studs and used it for her

It is infuriating how medical science went BACKWARDS in this regard— it’s impossible to get opiates prescribed for menstrual cramps now, even when that’s the only thing that really works! Fuck, you can’t even get muscle relaxants prescribed for cramps. “Take Tylenol and herbal tea, and have you tried meditation or

Thanks Kim. I needed an easier way to rent a jet. So relatable.

A few weeks ago, I read an article by a woman who was a big fan of Matthew Perry. She went to see his play and waited by the stage door to met him. This took hours. When she finally saw him, he rushed past and said he wasn’t signing autographs. She was so disappointed and upset with him. I can understand her feelings

I wish we heard more stories like yours.

A lot of my job involves working with women post-mastectomy. I don’t judge women who get reconstructed, I can’t imagine how losing a breast would feel. But many have told me that, had they known the hassle and pain of reconstruction, they would have skipped it altogether. Should my turn with mastectomy ever come, I’d

he went into actual menopause several years later which she fought with medications.

As a person who got diagnosed at 32 with a ~2 inch cubic tumor and had a mastectomy ( with radiation still to go) I am also choosing not to have reconstruction.

I’m sorry you went through that. Having cancer is shitty enough and dealing with this sort of aftermath makes it even worse.

There’s A LOT the fictional portrayals of breast cancer don’t show. I got especially enraged when Samantha from SATC was diagnosed. The writers always find a way to keep the character “pretty” and write in the cancer as something that’s not life (and body)-altering, when for most women breast cancer absolutely is.

Good for you and thanks for sharing your story. I had bilateral breast cancer two years ago. Two different cancers ! I always knew my boobs were special.

I feel like the lack of nipple is also something people don’t realize. I too could have had a fifth surgery to “make” a nipple out of something but it didn’t make sense for me. Most mastectomies for actual cancer leave you without a nipple, which the media does not portray.

At a SCA costume ball I went to there was a survivor dressed authentically as a amazon. Seriously badassed woman.

I can see why she didn’t want to do it. It sounds like a big ordeal to get a new breast. Especially after going through treatments, it can seem very big to go through another surgery. She’s comfortable with her choice which is all that matters.

I am a doula and therefore am “Interested in Human Reproduction” by Facebook Advertising Algorithm standards so I recently got an ad for mail order sperm in my feed.

Always! Who knows if some creep can’t gain control of it and spy on you.

Well, I might not be the one looking. Example of how those things really work:

The internet thinks I’m a middle-age, overweight, white woman. SURPRISE!! I am.

She looked beautiful in Lemonade but definitely older, too... every day more and more like her mom.

To me we should be counting down the days to the eventual destruction of the earth. I’ve never been a doomsday person but I’ve turned into one this past year. I am so happy that I don’t have kids and just hope to god I’m free of this earth by the time the shit goes down. IRL I’m charming, I swear. But the more I hear