Wednesdays Child sublettingthebrooklynbridge

I was expecting a teardrop. Instead I get a zit-for-Jesus:/

That makes sense (even though I'm surprised). You seem to know stuff. Do they do a penis/vulva? Asking for a friend. Actually I'm lying. Just perverse.

Looks like a freckle? Unless it's purple, orange, yellow....... I know you can get those for free. OK. I see a photo below now. It's a $500.00 zit.

Kris - Bieber Cagefight? Hahahahaha! Put the metal away, boy. Rock ALWAYS beats scissors, and Girlfriend is made of stone-cold stone.

I've never done a tat, and this might sound weird (or vain), but can that even be good for delicate facial dermis? I'm thinking spider veins resulting, weirdness over time, or possibly even really bad nerve damage - especially if you want it removed later.

I'm not a Kardashian fan nor do I watch them, but when Jez does anything on Bieber, I suddenly miss reading about their latest highjinks.

Those people standing by just watching...... Are they next? They don't look horrified, but ARE they? :0

You might complain about tourists, but consider how much money they bring into your city. Also you get to point and laugh. Signed: someone who will never ever visit NYC.

Hahahaha! Seriously. You people deserve the misery you never stop bitching about.

Are people allowed to take any kind of "cart," shopping or otherwise on a train? If so STFU.

Since I don’t have kids or ride a subway, please educate me. What do you do with the kid while you are folding? Doesn’t "folding" something require even more space? Then there is the unfolding again. Maybe she should ask you to hold her child while doing this (although I wouldn't).

Say, how about "elderly" people who use walkers/canes or move slowly? The disabled? Seriously, fuck off. Also, I don't have kids, but fuck off anyway.

I’ve sat in on therapy sessions and heard young women relate tales of being sexually trafficked by their parents. I’m not saying that every story here has to meet up with that level of abuse, but, by and large I agree with you. I’m not creating a separate account, because I find the level of middle-class entitlement

Doubt it. She's treated like royalty, has the best health care in the world, and the kind of power that most men don't even have.... I can't see her being paid for being a President's spouse. This is all just nuts. Maybe I'd support this idea if every spouse received a salary for being a spouse. I don't know. Is there

“Celebs." Fashion. "High end fashion" is produced by children in 3rd world countries who's parents "shill" them for labor because they have no other recourse and are starving. I'm an "old" here, therefore open to your reply. At the same time, I actually know how to turn organic material and man-made fabrics into

Can’t even read. Sick of this Toxic Mom shit. My mother was the free-flowing sewage of my life, but she was a woman who suffered HERSELF. Get over it, you self-involved “victims.” The mother’s day backlash is disgusting. #firstworldpoorme

Pffft. Sorry. Everyone hates Madonna. But that bitch worked it like no one did. I don't even like Madonna. Seriously, what did Vic do? Sang a little, Married a footballer? Had 3 kids, and has consistently denied her ED? Refuses to smile EVER because wrinkles? No respect.

Contouring surely needs to stop. Btw: Take it from an “old.” Eye rolling seriously puts too much stress on the eyes (and don’t forget the mind/body thing). Just close your eyes and do a ‘silent’ chuckle. There is too much idiocy; disdain is energy-sapping (also being dirt-poor and working with poor people is also

Kris missed her calling as a major Hollywood producer (and creator [maybe 'screenwirter']). Bitch has mad skills as a creator of the shit-America-can't-stop-eating. I still don't watch any of it, but she has created a Kardashiverse that suggests she might - in future - rival de Sade's perversely brilliant creations.

“leakage." Haha.