
There is so much fucking win in this video.

This was a pretty fascinating article, I would kinda love a dissection of Japanese "future" culture

@DARSFOG: He's directing the Avengers. How is that trampled?

While I love me some Whedon I've never had any love for Buffy.

I went to NYU with Donald. Really nice guy.


Jesus this looks awesome.


Re: Batman/Ra's How does it cheapen? If anything it gave them more depth.

Honestly, after the subpar ending of BSG I simply had no desire to see this show.

@sabriel: Palin/Thomas 2012.

@Dresan: Thanks dude! :)

@Cheney Guevara: It takes an even braver man to have Dick Cheney on his icon.

@Cheney Guevara: You make it seem like he spit in your face and shat in your cereal. It's a movie. Grow up.

@MrGOH: Whatever, dude. I'm tired of people hating Lucas like its the cool thing to do. It's getting old.

Ep. 3 was GREAT political commentary. I sincerely mean that.

This seems closer to Monster House than Polar Express.

My favorite golem.

Blah blah blah. You bitch about Star Wars and then you go and see the movies and the tv shows and love every second of it. They've been planning the 3D convert for almost 5 years. This isn't news and it was cool when they first announced it. Big babies.