
I remember when the Green Lama fought Cthulhu... ;-)

@MrGOH: And here I thought I was crazy. The movie was just bluh.

Charlie, you just won major Scaper points!

Also Clone Wars has been surprisingly good.

This article is WIN. :)


Crap I actually met him at the last Comic Con...

@Cory Gross: I dunno, I still dig Ep 3 though uneven, and Clone Wars has been surprisingly good

@skywalker993: I dunno, that's like someone name JesusChristRocks an complaining about the Second Coming.

@skywalker993: You're so upset, your screenname is "skywalker993"

They were talking about this like 3 years ago. Why are we acting surprised?


Bolivia Fauxlivia

What about Fellip Nectar?

Speaking of Lovecraft and Cthulhu... From the Shameless Self Promotion Dept:

It's astounding how good this new season has been. They keep getting better.

I gotta tell ya I had no interest in the show after the BSG ending.

I'm honestly shocked by how good the new episodes have been. They're not all perfect, but even the poor episodes have fun. And episodes like the Late Phillip J. Fry hit classic status like nobody's business.

Commando Cody FTW.