
actor, maybe. Comedian, fuck no.

Scott Baio would approve. (Lesbian shitasses everywhere, rejoice.)

i agree, i am always astounded when he is given something to act in...
like "really, Jason Biggs? No one else was BETTER than Jason Bigss? I mean, I guess. I don't think they looked very hard."

I have no problem with regular milk, and have tried a few alternative milks (Almond based ones being the most tasty, to me). But I'm interested in this "Pour-Over Coffee" thing. I use a french press and get ALL the flavors. And use slightly less coffee that what is recommended for pour-over. Has anyone used both

*fist-bump* Bring on the milk and cookies.

Gluten is fucking awesome.

At this point, I feel like I'm the only person in this country who can eat milk products and gluten with no problem.

The manager also told her to "just switch shirts" to hide the vomit stains.

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

I have never understood the appeal of Vegas. From where I'm sitting, you saved a bunch of money and protected your liver.

Well the upshot is you didn't have to go to the douche capital of the world. If a group of folks is going to make you feel like crap (even if not deliberately) than it was probably good self-care on your part to not go. Also, because I feel sad any time someone expresses body unhappiness, an internet hug and my

This guy is disgusting in a variety of ways, but one particular thing in that exchange that REALLY irked me was this:

I sympathize. My whole life I was always the average one, but I was always afraid I was thought of as "the ugly friend" or the "whale" or the "grenade" or whatever. I avoided tons of social occasions when I was younger because of that.

Club promoters are basically the dreggiest dregs of society. I wouldn't text one from a burner. Also I don't think the #1 Nightclub in America!! would need to promote this hamfistedly (texting her again and again when she doesn't respond, not taking "thanks anyway" for an answer).

this is why i chickened out of going to my roommate's bachlorette party in vegas. they're all gorgeous, skinny girls, and i am merely average looking with a few extra pounds. having felt like shit my whole life about it (and yes, i've worked my ass off to try and lose weight, but it's a lose/gain/lose sort of battle

Maybe you should explain that to all the internet MRA groups, because that's how the majority seem to act.

I had a friend in a similar situation. Got knocked up at 16, father denied everything. Never saw her or the kid. Years later, she meets a new, great guy. The guy pays for family therapy because he wants her kid to have a good relationship with him. Once they're married, they decide that he should adopt the kid. They

Wow I guess we can write a new verse in the old chanty about victim blaming.

Ugh. This is pretty much exactly what happened to my cousin.