
I don't know if it's because I've had an emotionally strenuous day, or just because I'm exhausted, but I think that image is the best thing I've ever seen. Can't stop smiling.

If my work ever got my browsing history, they'd probably assume there was some kind of error based on how regularly I refresh both Groupthink and the Jezebel main page... sigh.

(Psssst... come on over to Groupthink. Same great commenters, much fewer trolls)

I have natural vocal fry. I remember being told as a child that my voice was "buzzy", and I didn't really understand what they meant. It wasn't until hate for vocal fry started getting more public that I realized that was what my "buzziness" was, and now I'm so self-conscious! But because it's not a deliberate

This sounds like the kind of creation that I'd make in first year university, back when getting super high and shopping at the corner store still seemed like a good idea.

Thank you for your words. With so much public focus on things like "the cycle of violence", it's incredibly important for people to be reminded that the majority of kids who grow up in abusive households turn out to be kind, compassionate, loving human beings.

Many hours spent trolling Benedict Cumberbatch tumblrs, with amazing support from some incredible GroupThinkers on the most important mission ever.

Suit yourself!

Take it. Use it. Love it. BE IT.

Benedict Cumberbatch holding hands with a mystery woman!?

Interesting analysis! I identify as an introvert, too—maybe part of the reason I could see dating my close friends is because that thought is less exhausting than imagining having to reach that stage of comfort and intimacy with a stranger. I could definitely see it working the other way too, though.

The Inexplicably Pregnant Dream is right up there with the Raped By Someone I Know dream in terms of horror.

I agree that it would be weird to date someone else from my friend group while maintaining that same friend group— I guess that's what I mean by "if circumstances were different". It's more of a thought experiment than something that would happen in real life.

Clearly, you are just more discerning than me.

For me, a lot of it has to do with how long we've been friends. Some of my best guy friends from middle/high school I could never date—they've moved to 'brother' status. But close male friends I've met recently, while we're both in relationships? That's easier to imagine.

Well, that's reassuring. It's not like I'm secretly pining/lusting for my friends, but I think they're amazing, I can recognize that they're attractive, and we're clearly very compatible in a lot of ways. It's not such a stretch!

You're definitely right that it probably wouldn't end super happily for everyone though,

Is it weird that I feel like, were circumstances different, I could easily see myself happily dating the majority of my friends? Am I doing friendship wrong?

Um, amazing. This woman sounds like a badass.


One day, PLEASE come to groupthink and tell us more about this. Please.

Man, if I were T-Swift I'd wear the shit out of that shirt.