

I've never heard of any Rowan other than this guy, but I actually really like the name. Sad to learn it's trendy... sigh.

Amen, my friend. Amen. I literally just walked in the door and immediately tore off my pants and bra, as is my daily routine.

"I do not believe anyone who tells me that they don't find nudity to be sexual"

I must have misinterpreted that sentence to mean something broader than it did.

Wait— you don't believe that nudity can *ever* be non-sexual? In many situations I find nudity sexual, but there are lots of situations where it's not sexual either (e.g. bathing a child, changing an older person's clothing, skinny dipping with family or platonic friends, walking around my house naked...)

Would you play Cersei, or the hooded woman? Personally, I've my eye on playing Shae, just for certain late scenes.
ETA: Or would you play your own handsome husband, since no one else could ever know and love him like you do?!

There are few things more pitiful than adults badly pretending to be teens in an attempt to hide their immaturity.

I feel like this applies to almost everything in life, not just parenting.

- Stressed about that midterm coming up? Calm the fuck down.
- Worried you said the wrong thing to that cute acquaintance of yours? Calm the fuck down.
- Tearing out your hair over a work deadline? Calm the fuck down.

Sure, there are situations

To be fair, so does this dog.

Yes yes yes!!! I wish I could promote this higher so that everyone would read it. So very, very true.

Fortunately, this does not sound like the vast majority of my dates—just my bad ones. The vast majority of my dates in general have been with emotionally complex, kind, caring, intelligent, wonderful human beings. :)

Isn't it funny how the ones arguing most vehemently in defence of a terrible thing are always the same ones who never have and never will experience that terrible thing? Ugh.

Stephen King has a character in one of his short stories (I think in Everything's Eventual), a travelling salesman who keeps a record of all the noteworthy graffiti he sees and then is worried it'll be interpreted as a suicide note when he kills himself.

Holy hell, what the fuck!? How is that even ok!? Like, did he specifically say "Dudes only, let's get some beers" or what? I respect profs who engage with their students in meaningful ways, but that kind of selective favouring seems fuuuucked up.

Could not agree with you more. Although some of the best professors I had (one in particular) were excellent at creating a respectful space and drawing out the thoughts and opinions of the quiet, thoughtful students (particularly women and POC). Who you're learning with really does make a difference.

Co-signed on all of this. You might appreciate this article, if you haven't read it already.

Silly thebloodofthematador, intelligence only counts if you yell—I mean, *strongly assert*—it in an argument — I mean, *calm, rational discussion*— until the other person gives up—I mean, *acquiesces to your superior intellect*.

My degree is in Philosophy, and I still (mostly) support this statement. There are lots of lovely phil majors, of course, but a larger than average portion of them are total blow-hard know-it-all douche-wads.

I survived my degree by refusing to engage and silently reminding myself that I was way smarter than any of

Congratulations! You got your phil degree from a more progressive department than mine!

Also, there's a big fucken difference between "Plato was a compelling writer and pivotal thinker!" and "Seriously, some people are just natural slaves and it's only liberal bias that prevents us from acknowledging this truth"


Yeah. Definitely worth noting that intellectual manchildren are some of the worst gas-lighters out there. Sigh.