
Nobody even went there, except you, snowflake.

lol, so offended by people being “offended” you have to bring it up when it’s not even relevant

one too many black people for you?

This is hilarious. I’m trying to put myself in Bunchface’s shoes and understand his train of thought.

How often does your middle school let you use their computer lab to post stuff like this?

Reads like something Trump wrote.

Both a poet and a prophet for our time.

If only these poor persecuted Christians had somewhere to go and be with one another in this time of unprecedented persecution. If only such a place existed on practically every goddamn street corner. If only Christianity held sway over practically every institution in America. If only their religious organization

I had to turn it off on every HD TV I’ve owned that had it.  It’s so damn distracting.  I was really confused the first time I turned on my first HD TV, and a little disappointed.  Once I fixed that setting my picture looks great.

“What I don’t get: why people get so bent out of shape about it”

Because it makes everything look terrible. Wow, that was easy. 

I’ve been bitching about this for years. I once refused to watch a movie at a friend’s house until they turned it off. It was a bit of a dick move on my part, but it looked SOOOO bad it was making my brain hurt (it was a CGI heavy movie).

Some people think that this effect is what 4K means(and 1080P for some people).  “The Picture is so clear, look at it!” is what I hear.  It looks terrible though

Directors know how a film will look at 24 fps. A certain amount of motion blur is expected and needed for scenes. Especially CGI heavy stuff where the blur helps mask the artificial nature of CGI.

I always feel like a crazy person when I point this out to people. How it looks like a soap opera. But they usually say “Eh...I just got used to it.”

I have a sneaking feeling Quentin Tarrantino is going to cook up some kind of Hollywood revenge pic specifically starring blacklisted actresses.

I used to think the same, I mean mid to late 90s she was a known commodity then just sort of dropped off and you would never see her in anything.

I hope she files a lawsuit. I think she could have a good case for tortious interference.

It was a running joke among my friends and I, “Whatever happened to Mira Sorvino? Wasn’t she supposed to be a big deal?” I feel like such an idiot now. Had no idea she was being blacklisted, and for disgusting reasons, too. Hollywood owes them both (and many others) a career resurgence, if they’re interested in such.

“all views [are] welcome, no matter how crude or incendiary.”