
Ironically, Keurig was founded in 1992, which makes it far too old to get Roy Moore’s attention.

These are the same types of idiots that believed a Pizza and Ping Pong place in DC was the site of an underage Democratic Party sex ring. Morals and Facts can just seem to be thrown out a window for conservatives if you don’t like what you hear.

Dear People supporting a man who spent three decades earning a reputation for hitting on high school kids,

Allen is definitely a creep, but this article can’t even justify itself. Twice the author writes that the age of the female character is unclear, that she is possibly 21, but then unequivocally states “Allen is currently filming a movie in which a middle-aged man has a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.” The

I mean, that’s exactly the gist I’m getting from this article. This isn’t about a bad movie, it’s about the wrong audience. This happens all the time. Fans of some pop culture fluff experience something abstract or surreal, even if pretentious, then feel stupid and declare that these things are bad.

Not quite the right term, in retrospect, since some people use “visceral horror” to refer to body horror tropes. It is more that this is actually horrifying, and the “horror” audience by and large doesn’t want that.

As I explained to my companions on the way out of the film, there is a disconnect between the visceral horror of Mother! and the expectations of the “horror” film audience which will render it relatively unpopular.

I mean, I don't necessarily object to his point that internet activism is near completely ineffective. I just don't like the idea that he can't be burdened by constant Donny reminders.

What the fuck are you doing? I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess that you're a non-Muslim non-refugee white, male straight guy. So probably you have the least to lose, at least in the short-term, from what the racist, fascist, narcissistic shitbag currently in power does. So from the perspective of everyone

Is it really that unusual for the Republican party, though? It seems like the logical consequence of the last 50 years or so of party policy to me. In retrospect, something like this pretty much had to happen unless something changed.

He's so unfairly burdened by having to skip over a sentence or two in his very serious internet articles about dead cats and cartoon show recaps!

Fucking French Resistance, always trying to prove how "cool" and "down" they are with resisting Hitler.

It absolutely does display your privilege. This is not a normal situation. It's not even a normal Republican presidency (which, in itself, would be catastrophic). This is the Great Filter given human form and every reminder of his vile existence is a net good.

Good. You shouldn't be able to avoid him until he is gone.

"One-sided" view? Please tell me, what is the alternative view on the wife-raping, Russian agent, who pals around with Nazi wife-beaters? The truth is in the middle after all.

The president is a rapist monster who is literally working for Russia, and is making life a living nightmare for many hardworking and good people around the world (or has already murdered them such as the case of the eight year old American citizen he killed through either callousness or maliciousness in Yemen). The

And unholy rituals.

"Grab 'em by the (dead) pussy."

Well, it is about turkeys.

Being brazilian and reading this makes me very very melancholic...