
I’m sure that makes sense as a fantasy, but it has a different flavor when you add context to the fantasy: “Who among us would not discount the existence of Ford’s wife as a fellow human being whose life, happiness, and closest relationships were worthy of the same respect we’d expect others to give us?”

I’d purchase this without hesitation.

For $160 or more? Nah.

Some people seem to be hurrying to the conclusion that I’m equating low IQ and assholery. But my imaginary scenario above is about how a *mismatch* between what you’re told you are and what you actually are could cause you to go off the deep end. (But in honesty, I do think Woods’ behavior displays a special brand of

Gotta wonder if that high IQ Woods allegedly scored was part of some kind of cruel secret study about the impact of giving high IQ scores to actually low-IQ-scoring individuals. How would the steadily increasing cognitive dissonance, the years and years of accumulating evidence that his intelligence could not be that

Going for a sort of Furiosa vibe?

Well, ya know... it looks promising! I’m getting a legit anime vibe from these.

As far as I can tell, this is mainly a film about staff meetings.

Completely agree with all of this. For a long, long time I have felt that this episode defined the larger universe of Star Trek more clearly and compellingly than any other episode in TOS. It certainly provided the template for future episodes and series which focused on the ins and outs of the Federation and nearby

“Trust me, this show will be even bigger than ‘Cop Rock’!”

I got misty before the ad began. Because it was an ad. Manipulating my emotions.

Right, because individualism is totally not a right wing thing.

“Maybe the Rogue One was inside of us all along. Who knows?”

Daredevil really hooked me in Episode 1, when a character mentions in passing that the real estate shenanigans that provide the overall plot situation for the series are a direct result of the destruction of parts of New York City by the Chitauri which we saw in the climax of The Avengers. I laughed out loud at the

Wave Motion Gun... fire!

So readers who typically enjoy this story behave like you, then?


Interestingly, I always found C & H to be repetitive, cloyingly sentimental, and unfunny. The drawing is very good, of course — but the strip never felt to me like the miracle others claimed it was, but more like a (moderately) souped-up Dennis the Menace.

Much more visually exciting and Star Wars-like than anything in The Force Awakens.