
Is this really how you like to spend your time?

Yup, my first thought as well.

Whitney’s commentary is impressively clear-headed and astute.

Good, solid, clarifying analysis. And a great collection of beautiful shots. I like to show a clip or two from Tarkovsky to my film students when we’re discussing the long take, and they always dig his stuff right away, which is gratifying.

Obviously that’s fallacious reasoning.

No, I’m talking about the proposed new green dome, not the original Expo dome.

Thing is, the proposed structure isn’t a Fuller-type dome. It doesn’t use the hexagon/triangle lattice form of Fuller’s geodesic structure. Wonder what the rationale for that is.

And of course the phrase “back to the future” has a specifically ‘80s meaning.

The images are exquisite, but the cutting is so fast you don’t have time to take anything in. It’s like the producers are so fixated on cutting to the music and not “losing the audience” that they leave no room for you to look around.

For me, as the images diverged more and more from the real Trump, they felt *less* disturbing.

“The library where they kibbutz...”

Assuming all is as the article says it is, this is basically a cure. And, as others here have said, Nobel material for sure.

My favorite Marvel film. The others, good and intelligent as they unquestionably are, still leave me with an aftertaste of “product.” This one, though, has its own special vibe, and really feels like it’s *about* something.

Not sure I’m seeing logic in some of this. It stands to reason that Native American magic would be some form of “earth” magic — and that European magic would have powerful “magic technology” connected to it. The wizard universe is a mirror of the Muggle one.

I like that the film doesn’t take the obvious step of showing life evolving. It *might* be there, but you don’t know for sure if it’s arrived yet — so all you can do is sit back and enjoy the beauty of it all.

I can easily imagine the re-worked Imperial March playing during the triumphant procession on Naboo at the end of Phantom Menace. (Or, more generally, during any “triumphant Jedi” or “triumphant Galactic Republic” scene from a prequel film [real or hypothetical].)

Aha, so you’re twelve. Medication and a good talk with you guidance counselor can help you with your problems.

This may be a little juvenile, but it reminds me of the Nothing from The Neverending Story.

You’re assuming the pre-existing situation doesn’t have a political agenda and doesn’t involve force.

Well, a prediction I made a short while back about the new “Star Wars” film turned out to be completely correct — the film tracks the story beats of the original, point for point. My feelings about the film overall are mixed.