
FYI Vikram I’m 20 weeks pregnant. So I fall into this category of women you say need defending. Trust me, I understand how vital my care is right now, and am extremely grateful to all healthcare workers. No, I’m not willfully ignorant, I just have something called empathy

Thanks, Vikrum. That was super enlightening, and a real contribution to the conversation. And clearly the same situation - a pregnant nurse treating patients in a hospital with constant exposure to the virus, versus a medical procedure following social distancing rules. 

Thank you! And didn’t think you were! :) I guess having gone through this I think it’s important to be clear HOW many women were being affected by this ban. It’s not just a bunch of rich IVF patients. It’s women who finally had access to IVF thanks to the new 2020 law providing coverage for IVF, AND all the women

Here’s the thing - not ALL fertility treatments are IVF. But, they almost all require doctor supervision. I did months of oral medication that failed, then tried that in conjunction with IUI, and that failed. What finally worked for me was the second round of getting Follistim shots + IUI.

As someone who found out they were pregnant (as the result of over a year’s worth of fertility treatments) shortly before the pandemic, I’m so relieved for all the women still going through infertility hell that fertility treatments have been deemed an essential service.

Is this an ideal time to try and get pregnant

I don’t normally have opinions on Meghan Edwards, but as far as letting your 3 year old sleep in a crib? You do you, girl.

My 2.5 y/o son is still in his, and even though he’s an amazing sleeper, you better believe I’m going keep him in that thing until he figures out how to escape it.

Having to deal with a toddler

Aesthetically it sounds like she had her work cut out for her, when you add in the class she had to take, BUT She also had the entire AD team coordinating the schedule for her.

Fun fact: When you direct a pilot episode, you get residuals on every episode in the series.

I feel bad for the Dad but... my need to leave at 5pm to get home and feed my under 1 child is questioned, and counts against me at my job.

He’s actually 10 months and a week, and in a week or two I’m going to start dropping feeds. I’ve got a healthy stash, and my goal is for a month from now to be down to 2 nursing sessions a day (supplementing from frozen) and by the time he hits a year to be done. I’m going to miss the morning feed, for sure. It’s our

Lol Yes, Jessrich is correct. We started solids at 4 and a half months, but for milk it’s still only breast milk. We are still on 4 nursing / pumping sessions a day.

My son turns 1 in 7 weeks. And I have no idea how but he is still exclusively breastfed. I’m cutting off at 1 because i’m about to lose my goddamned mind. And pumping at work is the WORST.

Please tell me that you are less tired / happier once it’s done? I just feel drained (literally and figuratively) all the time.

I really hope that you can! As a mom currently nursing I can tell you it’s definitely a lot of work (even without the added hormone component), but for me it has been so worth it. I would never tell a Mom they have to, and I know not every woman is successful with it, but if you are interested and willing I hope you

Oh! Kate Moss dated Johnny Depp!

I have a strong hunch that this blind gossip item is about Elon and Amber...

On Wednesdays we wear pink.

Same. I never understood it as a kid. My Dad always tried to make me feel like it was my fault, that I didn’t reach out enough, which made me feel like shit... but I still didn’t get it, or really think it was my fault. After he passed earlier this year, I still didn’t get it. And now I’m pregnant with my first child,

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood! I honestly don’t know what happened - but I will be sure to ask tonight.... or whenever the next time I see him awake is. I literally texted him when I read this, and was like WTF? His response was that it was last night, and that no one was hurt. That’s really all I know.

Well considering my husband didn’t get home till 1:30 in the morning (aprox., I was asleep)I think the set wrapped later than you were there. And this is not a burner account.

My husband works on this set. I can confirm this happened.